{16} chokehold

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"Jungkook, can you talk to me please? Say something."

Jungkook could not utter a single word. His entire body was completely taken over by the extreme cold condition in there, making him glued to his spot with close to no movement. He had stopped fidgeting to try and find any escape. It was all pointless. He simply sat on his spot, almost lifeless.

"Are you listening to me? I am almost there. You have to hold on for a few more minutes. You'll do that, right? You have to."

He could make out the elder's concern from the other end. It was a horrible feeling to be frozen and stuck in a room with temperature in negative. Endless tears rushed down his face. He held a stoic and poker expression, the warmth of the tears hitting his cold skin and making him shiver more than earlier. He had no choice but to hope that Taehyung gets there on time.

"Jeon Jungkook, you have to fucking respond! Make any sound, do something!" The frustration of the man was off the charts, he didn't know if the man he was talking to was even alive...his worries had become increasingly more at the lack of response.

The younger had no choice but to pull at the chains attached to his wrists. Just simply moving them created a sound that was loud enough to bring a sense of relief to Taehyung, who sighed at the sound.

"Alright, now listen to me. Look around. If the room is empty, create another noise." 

He repeated his actions again. The room was completely white, nothing across the entire area. It was a depressing and demoralizing expanse, choking the boy from within.

"Was there somebody you saw as you ended up there?"

No sound. Taehyung couldn't exactly make out if it was because he hadn't seen anybody or if it was because he has passed out.

"I'm here, Jungkook. Coming right away."

The elder pocketed his phone while still being on the call and putting it on speaker just in case he was still listening. The car was abruptly and rashly stopped. It was a large warehouse where he had ended up. It was so complicated to get through since he obviously had no idea where he was headed to.

There were no people looking after this place and so many aisles were to be crossed. It was a big place and Taehyung was all on his own. All the lights shut, no employees, the place was almost abandoned. It was so dark. Considering that it was night time, there was no source of light at all. All he could use was the flashlight of his phone. Coming to think of it, this place had no cameras either.

This place was like a maze for somebody being there for the first time, that too at night. He couldn't quite figure if there was any such room where Jungkook could be kept. Having walked to the extreme end, he saw a room. The door was rusty and dark, imprinted with loads of dust. The entire warehouse was untidy but this room was especially neglected. But the younger wasn't necessarily in this room. It seemed like it hadn't been opened in ages.

"Jungkook.." He spoke into the phone, holding onto his last hope.

"Make a sound."

There was an anticipating silence. The empty and pin drop silence of the spooky warehouse was interrupted when the dangling sound of iron chains was heard, creating a weak sound of help. Taehyung quickly turned around at the noise.

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