{27} law and civilian

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Jungkook was finally met with the reality he had been afraid of until now.

Jimin's words hit him hard. It wasn't like anybody knew about Taehyung and his relationship but Jimin was probably smart enough to catch hold of it by his own wits. Everything that he said was valid. And even Jungkook understood that, which is why he had been so cautious about everything until now.

He had always been afraid of Taehyung's reaction when he were to find out. How would the conversation go? Would Taehyung come to know on his own? Would Jungkook ever tell this to him by himself or would he find out from anybody else? Well, Jimin was nice enough to not bust him completely and gave him a chance to explain it himself.

But Jungkook was scared. He had avoided this day everyday. Was he even ready yet? All throughout the way, a panicky feeling was bubbling through his chest. Taehyung would hate him after he confesses everything. He would hate to even look at him. Could Jungkook handle that? Oh, absolutely not.

After having lost his family at an extremely young age and being left behind with an older brother to take care of, Jungkook had always been surrounded by responsibilities. Despite being the youngest in the family, he never received the expected love and care. He had to stand up on his feet, study his goddamn ass off and get a job. He studied so hard that he fell ill countless times. But in the end, it was worth it for the scholarships he earned.

The brief time period when he was with Il-han was good. He felt loved, he felt cared for. However, once he turned towards alcohol, it all disappeared. Jungkook looked for love in his eyes but all he found was addiction. Il-han was addicted while Jungkook wanted simple affection. He turned abusive, usually verbally but in some rare occasions, even physically. It was bound to break them apart. It was best to leave him and he did.

But after that? He was alone all over again. There was nobody to hold onto him. He tried being strong for his brother. He tried extremely hard. Only to crash down to the floor once he got home and sob himself to sleep. He was exhausted altogether. He had never once in his life experienced peace or basic mental well being. He was never fine. And he wondered if he could ever be.

The murder chaos unfolded and Jungkook felt like dying. As if he wasn't already hurting inside, things had become serious now since he was being involved in law and order, not for the very best reason. However, despite the terrible situation he was in, he found his solace in Taehyung.

Taehyung was like a whiff of fresh air. He was intimidating but that was exactly the kind of persona that made Jungkook feel at ease. He was a detective who hated his every claim and could see through his truths and his lies...it made the younger insecure but at the same time, it was good that somebody could understand you so well. Taehyung gave him his love, assurance, security...and asked for nothing in return, knowing very well that the guy he was in love with could probably be a criminal.

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