{12} dried blood

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It was the kind of day that only came once in a while. Everybody dreaded it but it still came. Goals not accomplished, life brought to a halt, everything fading out in the background while the eyes sleep forever.

Lost, dumbfounded and feeling helpless, Taehyung had made a run to the hospital the moment he heard the news. It was as if his ears were ringing and eyes were blinding him, not the best experience after straight 24 hours of no sleep.

Last night when Hoseok had called him and said that he would see him the next morning, this wasn't how Taehyung had expected it to be.

He got there and the first people he noticed were Yoongi and Jimin. Tear stained faces and a look of complete devastation could be seen on their faces. They seemed exhausted, eyes swollen and faces bright red. There was a commotion around that area. Other officers like Jeonghan, Seungkwan and Mingyu were also there.

"Hey.." Taehyung whispered, standing before the duo who seemed to be in no mood of talking to anybody. He silently approached Jimin, who broke down the moment he saw Taehyung. Where were they lagging that his very own Hoseok had to lose his life? What even was the point of being associated with justice? Jimin wanted to give up everything in that very moment.

Taehyung did not hesitate one bit and pulled his friend into his warm embrace, letting him cry on his shoulder. While Jimin let out his muffled cries of agony as he hugged the younger, Taehyung could feel nothing but incompetent.

Waves of regret rushed down his body. He could've avoided this. He could've done something.

He patted Jimin's back, who didn't seem to stop anytime soon. Taehyung wanted to turn back time and take a necessary step that he should've taken. He made mistake. A huge blunder. While all his thoughts ate him alive and blamed the incident upon his own self, he made sure to not let any tears form. He always avoided crying, it made him feel even weaker and dependent than he already was.

"Taehyung..." Jimin whispered between his cries, still hugging him as close as possible.

"It was a murder."

I know. Taehyung wanted to say. However, he decided to go against it and patted the elder's head to try and calm him down.

"We have to come up stronger this time around, hyung. We've lost to this murderer once. We can't let it happen again."

"Why H-hobi hyung..." Jimin could barely even talk at this point. He couldn't even come to terms with the reality yet.

Taehyung's face hardened when Jimin said that, full of rage and hatred. There was no way he could let this slide easily. Dr. Jung Hoseok was the doctor working for their currently ongoing case. For someone to randomly murder him out of nowhere, they were definitely messing around with confidential evidence and trying get on Taehyung's nerves.

He wanted to know more about how the body was found and what happened exactly. But he also knew that it wasn't the right time to question Jimin or even the depressed, crying Yoongi, seated on one of the hospital chairs.

"Just calm down. Sit here for a moment. I'll find out what I can." Taehyung assured Jimin as he let go of him, walking directly towards Seungkwan who had called him here. The three officers were standing together, away from Jimin and Yoongi.

With a face as stoic as ever and a calm and collected look on his face, he started to question. The three of them seemed extremely surprised at this. They hadn't expected him to be so quick with it after having heard about such a disheartening news.

"Time of the murder?"

"3:00 AM."

"How did you find the body?"

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