{8} enamored of danger

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A few days had passed since the stormy night.

Dr. Jung Hoseok knew that something was very wrong. He had already handled the forensic report to Inspector Min. However, after a few more days of analysis, he had come to terms with something ridiculous that one particular night. It wasn't much but still a helpful lead. For a case that was going nowhere, this could serve as a great clue. Alongside one of the cuts, there was a tiny strand of hair.

Firstly, it was discarded as the victim's body hair. However, Hoseok was skeptical enough already. He kept it under his study and got the DNA results out. If he released the piece of information he had obtained, it would be a pretty bold move. It would end up being pretty bad for the people involved.

One of his biggest fears was that it could be misused. That's why he had decided to not keep it a part of the exclusive forensic report.

Just then, interrupting his thoughts, a tiny and fluffy living being came rushing towards him and hopped upon the bed onto his lap. Hoseok was left surprised and zoned out of his thoughts, staring at the orange pomeranian who had abruptly disrupted him.

"You scared me, Sunny!" He hugged the pup close to his chest. He was the best thing that had possibly happened to him. He didn't have parents and the tiny little beautiful creature was all that he had.

As a grown up twenty nine year old man, he should be dating around and thinking of a family. Well, he would do that soon. But for now, Sunny was his everything and probably he was everything to the poor baby too. Their everlasting bond was known by everyone who knew them.

As he was shutting down his laptop and planning to sleep after a long day, he decided that he would visit Taehyung the next day.


|3 days before|

As the detective sipped his boba that morning, he had made certain things very clear to himself.

Number 1; he had to avoid seeing Jungkook and only do so when it is completely unavoidable.

Number 2; he had felt a momentarily potential attraction towards the boy and he had to get rid of it asap.

Number 3; the case was going nowhere and the only person connected to the victim who was also suspicious was Jeon Jungkook.

Number 4; back to square one, keeping an eye on Jeon Jungkook was unavoidable.

He banged his fist on the table. This was all too frustrating.

"Calm down, Taehyung." Spoke Namjoon, who had come to visit the younger at random. He did that quite often and "coincidentally" as said by him, it was once every month. The two had been sitting next to each other in office chairs for the past one hour as they discussed everything.

Namjoon was a prosecutor. Quite the loner actually. Didn't have girlfriends or anything and his parents lived in another city. Sometimes the younger felt bad for him and spent time with him. Not just because he was pitiful, but because he was actually a really good friend to Taehyung. They met each other very often due to their jobs and it seemed like they would probably need him soon when things get to the court level.

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