{4} character test

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"Heard it so many times already. He sounds completely normal."

Jimin placed forth his concern, not being able to put a finger at what exactly was bothering Taehyung about this Jungkook guy. His answers were genuine and didn't seem to be made up.

"I know. And that's the problem. There's no way he was out at fucking 11 and didn't see shit. Alright maybe this vision thing is real but could he not even hear the man yelling for help?"

"What did you notice?" Jimin knew that Taehyung was on to something, he wouldn't be so worked up about trivial things.

"Firstly, his family matters are suspicious. Secondly, he didn't ask me for details of the murder which is strange, considering that they were once friends, which I also heard from other residents. Thirdly, one thing that was not prevalent on his face was the horror and dejection of knowing that someone died.

This makes me think that he already knew about it. I mean, come on. Oh also, something's fishy between him and Yoongi hyung."

This seemed to have caught Jimin's interest the most. He was certainly quite provoked by the mention of the elder.

"Why? What happened?"

"It was weird. Jungkook said that he had probably seen him somewhere but he denied. It was a short but awkward interraction." He clarified instantly.

"Maybe it was someone else who looked similar to him? Maybe when he saw him, Yoongi hyung didn't notice him?"

"Look, I know you like him. And even I know that it could be the case but we need to stay alert, hyung."

"Goodness, Taehyung. Inspector Min has been working around us and been a close friend for such a long time. When will you ever start trusting people? At least he deserves it."

Taehyung couldn't help but let out an audible sigh. It's not that Jimin was wrong. He had heard that a lot of times before and it made complete sense. Taehyung was indeed like that, carrying a bag full of trust issues. He wouldn't easily put his trust in people, which was at times beneficial to his job. At other times, however, when he couldn't even bring himself to trust his friends and family, it turned out to be a curse in disguise.

He always knew that he shouldn't continue with this habit in his personal life but it could barely be helped. He had gotten used to it by now and trusting someone, even a close friend of seven years like Min Yoongi was not an easy task.

"Anyway, forget it." Jimin decided to switch the subject for the better.
"Since you are so suspicious about Jeon Jungkook, what do you plan on doing next."

"For now, I was doubtful about the glasses. I can't trust his doctor friend's treatment of course, so I sent it over to Hobi hyung. He'll have one of his friends test it."

"What if he kept the real ones for show. So he doesn't get in trouble if you want to check."

"Exactly, my dear dumpling. That's why I took the spare ones he had."

"The fact that he had spare ones in the first place says a lot. Anyway, I know you're not stopping there."

"For now, we need to find out if all the answers he gave me were right or not. From his job, to his family, to his relation with this murder. It's time to spot the lies."

"So we're basically gonna spy and keep an eye on him like fucking idiots who have no other job to do?"

"Hyung, this is our job."

"God, yes but do you have a plan?"

"Do I ever not have one?"

Jimin stared at his partner for the current ongoing case with an oddly unsatisfied smile and just then, the room felt the presence of another energy. They looked over and saw Irene coming their way. But why would she be there, Jimin thought. She wasn't even a part of this case.

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