{18} undercover

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Jungkook had woken up about an hour ago but he didn't dare to move from his spot on the bed. He knew he was at Taehyung's place and remembered everything. It was about 3 in the afternoon, he had clearly slept for about ten hours. He was awfully hungry. But he couldn't move. He didn't want to.

If he did so, he would have to talk to Taehyung and explain to him what had happened. He could just pretend that he didn't remember but the elder would know. He was the smartest person Jungkook had ever come across. He didn't have his glasses or his phone. Everything was terrible as he was curled up inside the blanket.

It wasn't long until he heard a phone buzzing on the side table. Knowing that Taehyung would be in the room anytime soon to answer, he quickly shut his eyes. He could feel the elder's presence as he picked up the call and moved towards the giant glass pane next to the balcony as he answered the call.

"Hey, what's up Jimin?"

There was silence for a while and Jungkook could only guess what Jimin was saying from the other end.

"I told you already, I can't come."

Jungkook felt horrible.

"Who? The Chinese?"

Now this was where the conversation started going over Jungkook's head.

"I'll deal with that. Him and the problematic Jeon. I have something in mind, it won't take time. They'll be behind the bars soon enough."

Jungkook's ears perked up at that and almost instinctively, he got up without looking around. The ruffling of the blankets and the agility in the motion alerted the detective, who was quick to turn around, completely surprised.

"I'll call you back later, bye." As soon as he hung up the call, an already intimidated Jungkook got even more afraid as the elder approached him.

"Did you just wake up?"

"What will you do to me?" Jungkook pulled the blankets close to himself as he subconsciously moved backwards to sit against the headboard, maintaining distance from the elder.

"What? What's gotten into you? Is it because of the Jeon I talked about on the phone?"

His steps didn't stop as he sat across the younger, who had no more space to back up. Terrified of the detective sitting before him, he clutched hard onto the blanket's fabric. He nodded, breath caught up in his chest.

"I wasn't talking about you, chill."

"You're a liar."

"The fuck, no. I despise lying."

"You're gonna put me in jail, right?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, almost laughing at the scene before him. He instantly shifted closer to the boy and pulled away the blankets covering his body. Now, it was simply Jungkook and him, staring deep into each other's eyes with no barrier to interrupt. They were so close that Taehyung could feel both their heartbeats accelerating and breathing growing faster.

"No. How do I make you believe?"

Jungkook was stunned. Up close, this man was ethereal. If the situation wasn't so messed up, he would've kissed those inviting lips then and there. He was the most beautiful man that the younger had ever seen. Calm and collected, voice deep yet soft, his entire body language was attractive. Even as they sat so close to each other, he had this strange effect on the younger that both of them could feel. 

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