{17} trapped

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"Not even your friend Dr. Seokjin?"

Jungkook shook his head as a no when asked. Taehyung was driving as fast as he could. He had no idea what would be his plan of action once they got home. He was thinking of consulting a doctor, which was totally refused by the younger. When asked about his own friend, he replied with a no again. Jungkook was being overly cautious, which had indeed caught Taehyung off guard.

Out of everybody the younger knew, did he really want only Taehyung to know?

The younger's body was as cold as it had been for the past few minutes as he brought his knees closer to his chest, seated on the passenger seat, hugging himself firmly. Lips quivering as a habit and body trembling every now and then, it wasn't the best sight to witness. He had silent tears rushing down his cheeks. With a stoic and blank expression on his face, his face was completely red and tear stained.

Fortunately for him, Taehyung's amazing house wasn't too far off, about a fifteen minute ride. They reached within ten minutes with Taehyung having sped up the car to the most he could. Jungkook didn't miss how the elder ignored detective Park's countless calls while on his way in the hurry of the moment.

In an instant as he parked the car outside the giant house, the elder got out and moved to the other side. Jungkook, who had been wearing Taehyung's overcoat this whole time couldn't help but have his eyes linger upon the boy picking him up from his spot. Yet again, he was in the soothing comfort of the elder's arms.

And strangely enough, he didn't ever wanna let go.

He could see nothing as he was rushed inside within seconds. Everything was a blur to him and it was as if his mind had become laid back...it wasn't its usual self anymore. Once brought inside, Taehyung made him comfortably sit on the couch. He didn't seem like he was here to waste any time and was very sure of what he was doing. His first instinct was to grab a thermometer from his first aid box and get the younger's temperature checked.

After a long wait, it said 33° C.

Taehyung's heartbeat rose, pupils enlarged. Goodness, he had never panicked so hard ever before.

"Jungkook, we're going to the hospital. I-"

As the elder was pacing back and forth, Jungkook caught his arm in an attempt to stop him. He was so desperate for warmth that he couldn't notice the look of pure devastation and annoyance on Taehyung's face.

"Stop being childish, Jeon Jungkook! Are you even looking at yourself right now? You need fucking medical assistance, I am not qualified!" Taehyung's impatience forced him to come down to the boy's level and shake some sense into him by gripping onto his shoulders. His words came off stronger than intended as they transformed into angry yells.

The intimidated Jungkook flinched violently, soon moving his hand away from Taehyung. His heartbeat instantly increased, eyes having nowhere to stare but at the ground. Oh goodness, Taehyung couldn't express how much he hated it.

"Hyung." Jungkook started off, realising that it wasn't easy to convince the elder.
"Nobody can know about this." He spoke in a low voice, barely audible.

Taehyung wanted to smack his own head to a wall due to the frustration that was consuming him with no mercy.

"Jungkook, are you being threatened?"

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