{14} love or war

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The funeral was handled well. Many came to pay their respects and Yoongi couldn't help but feel guilty as he looked at the parents of his best friend, sitting in a corner with stoic blank faces, too tired of crying their eyes out. Anyone could tell how their faces were turning paler each day. Even the tiny pup in his arms had started to be upset and showed close to no emotions.

All his emotions were eating him alive. Being an Inspector of a unit, it should be his responsibility that at least the people close to him remain safe and sound. How could he possibly go about saving his area or the city from any potential crimes when his own friend had met such a terrible fate?

All because of him.

Jimin was not the usually smiley guy currently. He seemed a lot more worried and anxious about certain things. He was upset and couldn't help but shed a few tears every now and then.

The guilt was eating him up alive. This was all because of him.

The whole situation could've been easily avoid and made devoid of any unnecessary trouble and a tragedy like this one. He had always been strong emotionally and mentally. However, this was the one time he didn't know what to think.

Jimin and Yoongi hadn't talked to each other a lot these past few days since they both couldn't bring themselves forward to communicate. The two of them felt equally miserable. In their personal view, they themselves were the most culpable.

Since Jungkook had come to know about it through Taehyung, he felt that it was his responsibility to attend and pay his respects. He hadn't known Hoseok at all. However, he still felt that whatever happened was closely linked to himself. He hated it so much. The doctor's parents weren't too happy to see him, passing him suspicious glares as if not convinced by his seemingly pseudo nerdy look that his spectacles offered.

Jungkook knew it was all because of his own self. He was to take the blame. If only he had showed some courage, this wouldn't have ever happened.

Eyes wandering round, he noticed Taehyung. Everytime he saw the elder, there was this strange uneasiness in his heart. He knew he was to stay far away from him and that was the best way out for both of them. However, he had a charming and manipulating effect that made the twenty six year old guy surrender before him.

He was drawing Jungkook's attention day by day and despite understanding the seriousness of this, Jungkook was helpless. Just because he had accepted this weird relationship between him and the detective, it didn't mean that he was willing to work upon it. He was scared. Scared as fuck.

It wasn't going to be long until everybody turned against him.


Jeon Wonwoo
The guy was strange. Emotionally and mentally, not the best person to be with. An illegal drug dealer and connections with the owner of the bar, he was quite the personality. Not to be trusted at any cost since it was him who added fuel to the already burning and fiery life of Il-han. He was very well aware of what was going on but seemed to pretend as if he had nothing to do with this. When he clearly did and Taehyung didn't have to spend much time with him to know that.

His picture on the white board was surrounded by clues like 'Il-han's drug addiction's cause' , 'gatekeeping potential evidence' , 'protecting Il-han's boyfie' , 'NOT to be trusted' , 'put him in jail' and 'dude fucking sucks'.

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