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After everything we went through together, an epilogue is obviously needed.


Jimin woke up.

It had been 13 weeks since he was in the state of coma, somewhat trying to survive in the hospital. Taehyung had made sure to visit him pretty much everyday before leaving for work. Sometimes even after work. He remembered bumping into Inspector Min very often.

Both visited to make sure he was still breathing and how his condition was. The doctor had assured them that Jimin was recovering and it would be very soon that he'd wake up. But the wait was awful and long.

This evening felt like a rush. As soon as they got the calls from the hospital, their happiness seemed to have no limits. In a complete state of excitement, he called up Jungkook.

"Hey, hyung." The call was answered instantly. Taehyung on the other hand had the call on speaker as he tumbled across the room, trying to look for an overcoat and the car keys.

"Jimin woke up!" He yelled, rummaging through the closet.

"What? Really? Right now?" There was absolute surprise and joy in his tone, which wasn't shocking at all.

Jungkook too was as concerned about Jimin.

"Yes. I'm going to the hospital, alright?You wanna come too?"

"I want to, oh my god. But I can't leave right now. The new manager is fucking nuts." Jungkook spoke in absolute annoyance. It was still evening. About two-three hours until he could go home.

Even though he was being completely normal and valid in his words, Taehyung could sense a certain kind of exhaustion behind them. He could tell that the younger was tired.

"It's fine, Kook. Meet him some other time. I'm leaving now, I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, bye."


When Taehyung got there, he watched how Jimin's mother was already inside the room, talking to her son. It was such a wondrous sight. Oh, how much Taehyung had wanted to see it this whole time.

Every time he went over to his house and talked to his mother, there was this strange emptiness that surrounded them. Jimin's absence was easily felt which left nothing to be talked about. Now, however, he could see everything changing.

Without a word or thought, he barged inside the room and caught Jimin's complete attention. There was nothing that they said to each other, there was no need after all. They were best friends; they understood everything by the numbness of the other's eyes, by the wavering of breaths.

"Mom, can I please talk to him alone?" Jimin requested softly, to which his mother complied instantly. She knew how they had fought before this incident took place and had no time to even clear anything up. They deserved a minute or two by themselves. And so she left.

"Hey, you fucking idiotic bastard. Did you finally realize that you actually need me in life?" Jimin said with a proud smirk, eyes directed at the younger who was standing right next to his bed. Though what he didn't see coming was how Taehyung practically threw himself into Jimin's arms.

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