{31} crestfallen celebration

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Woozi was handcuffed and sent to jail right away when Jungkook briefly explained Mingyu about him being the murderer. When this was happening, Yoongi did not even bother looking back at his brother as he left the theatre in hurry catching one of the police cars outside the theatre. He wondered how they were already on guard this whole time. Probably something Taehyung had planned.

"Wait, Inspector Min." Jungkook ran after him, catching up on time as Yoongi sat on the driver's seat. He panted as he asked the next question,

"Can I also join you?"

"Be quick." Was all that he said as he started the engine.

Jungkook quickly sat next to him on the passenger seat and they were off to the hospital. It was a silent ride, two anxious guys rushing their way to see how a loved one was doing. They didn't know what to expect. It was a fucking scary experience.

They didn't realize then but Taehyung had actually left with Jimin while trying to help him get to the hospital in time. Jungkook was worried about Taehyung too. The look on his face when it happened...it was unforgettable. Taehyung had never looked so caught up, so confused, so broken and so clueless at the same time.

For both Taehyung and Yoongi, their world had come crashing down at them. The only difference was that Yoongi wasn't afraid to show it while Taehyung had never learnt to express it.

Jungkook saw how Yoongi started tearing up in the midst of driving, having a hard time breathing and putting focus on the road. Thanks to the police siren of their car, they didn't have to stop at any red lights and had an easy way to the hospital.

"He'll be fine. Don't worry" Jungkook tried to assure him as much as he could only to find him crying harder.

They reached within ten minutes. The speed at which they were headed there was ridiculously fast. The moment they left the car, Yoongi ran inside the hospital building, forgetting the existence of Jungkook who was also trailing behind him like a lost cat.

It didn't take long to find where Jimin was. It was the emergency room. There was hustle and chaos. People running around for their loved ones, hoping that they would make it. The entire atmosphere was simply depressing.

They could see Jeonghan and some other officers who were standing outside the ward, receiving information from the doctors from time to time.

"How is he?" Jungkook asked for Yoongi since he saw how scared the man looked.

"The doctors said that...that they will try their best. It's quite severe. They can't be sure yet."

And Jungkook regretted asking.

Yoongi momentarily lost his balance, feet growing unsteady as more tears left his eyes. He could not believe this situation. The way Jimin looked at him before closing his eyes...those eyes were full of love. Adoration. Yoongi wanted to feel that love again. He would die without those eyes reminding him everyday how beautiful life was.

"Inspector Min, you should sit." Jeonghan and Jungkook tried to guide him but instead, he went over to one of the nurses talking about God knew what. Jungkook looked around in curiosity. Hadn't Taehyung gone with them too? Where was he?

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