{11} hub for drugs

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Taehyung had figured that he couldn't be wasting his time any longer. Whatever had to be done was bound to happen soon. It was now or never. It didn't bother him that it was 1 AM. It was the perfect time to visit the bar named Happy Hour.

It wasn't a long drive and he made there soon, various thoughts running through his head. As soon as he parked his car, he wore his leather jacket, tied his old red bandana across his forehead and walked over to the entrance. It looked fine from the outside but the moment he got in, he could see absolutely wasted people having the best time of their lives. His nose scrunched at the smell of alcohol. He wasn't the biggest fan of it.

He didn't bother wasting a lot of his time as he walked over to one of the bartenders. Loosening his jacket a tad bit and showing off his pseudo urge to party, he sat over a stool right in front of a dude who was busy making drinks. He seemed young and was definitely an asset to attract young and desperate customers.

"Hey, can you make me the drink you're currently making?" Taehyung spoke, making sure to sound weird and slightly tipsy. The bartender passed him a look and continued his job.

"Sure, sir."

"By the way.." He spoke, pausing in his speech, looking for the right words.
"I don't see Il-han around anymore. I always went to him for my drinks." He laughed mid-speech, as if reminiscing some lost memory, which was completely made up in his head.

"Where is he lately?"

The bartender's face paled and his speed slowed down comparatively.

"He's...no more."

"What? Why, what happened to him?" Taehyung said in utter disbelief, as if he didn't have a whole list of suspects back at home somewhere in his closet.

"He was murdered. They haven't found who did it yet." The guy tried to give away the most minimal information possible.

"I cannot believe my ears. Il-han was such a good friend to me...do you think anyone from the bar could've done it?" He questioned, innocent and doubtful eyes on display with some fake tears on their way.

Taehyung would've loved to be an actor. He was indeed quite the drama queen.

"Do you know Wonwoo?" The bartender asked, trailing away from the question. Taehyung shook his head innocently, curious eyes shot at the guy.

"Do you think he did it?"

"Wonwoo used to hate him so much. One night when Il-han said that his 'drug addiction was all thanks to Wonwoo' and humiliated him in front of all the bartenders, Wonwoo threatened him that he'd kill him. I'm pretty sure Wonwoo has something to do with this."

With an overly dramatic gasp and widened eyes, Taehyung brought his palm to his mouth. He was indeed surprised but he also had to act drunk. Oh, what a task. And then, he faked his cries.

"Sir, oh my god, please stop crying." He panicked, not knowing if it was right of him to give away all he knew to a stranger.

Taehyung was in his drama queen era anyway so he held the bartender's arm and wiped off his tears on his sleeve. The guy seemed to be stuck in a weird situation he couldn't get out of but Taehyung was quick to have a look at his name tag. It read Hoshi.

He continued to cry dramatically, making Hoshi uncomfortable.


"I think I should go to the washroom." He got up from his spot, ready to walk away when he was stopped.

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