{2} fake yet friendly

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Amplifying and heartbreaking cries of the bereaved family, annoying sirens, blood splattered across the tiled floor and the lifeless body of a young boy...this is not how Officer Min Yoongi had imagined his night.

It was about 15 minutes ago that the police station received this news from a next door neighbour. They claimed to have heard the now deceased neighbour shouting out for help in his enclosed flat. Not having any way to do so, they couldn't help him on time.

"Sir, it's a homicide."

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his intern. Gosh, as if the day was already not killing him.

"I think it's pretty obvious, Seungkwan. Thanks for the discovery."

All these years as a police officer and there existed no such case that could mentally bother him. He was grateful to his strong mentality and lifestyle. However, it didn't prevent more nightmares that were already on their way.

He looked down at the body. His whole face was completely destroyed, as if done out of absolute contempt, frustration, agony and precision. Judging from the stabbing, it was messy. It couldn't be termed as accidental since the person knew exactly what they were doing.

The entire flat was observed. Evidences were looked for. No signs of DNA, no weapon, nothing that could prove anything. The forensic department could do no more than collect some possibly helpful samples. His entire team, consisting of Seungkwan, Jeonghan, Mingyu and other new recruits also seemed quite puzzled.

"Officer Min." The cheerful voice of a close friend caught Yoongi's attention.

"Yes, Dr. Hoseok. Do you think we'll find something?"

Dr. Jung Hoseok was his classmate. A very smart student at that. The consistent and studious temperament of his led him to become a forensic pathologist. He had always been very hardworking and even till this date, did complete justice to his profession.

Even right now, he was there to just observe the crime scene while the body and the evidence were being collected.

"Well, let's see where the examination leads us. Nothing can be said yet." Hoseok pointed out, quite skeptical about it.

"You too think that it isn't an ordinary case, right?" Yoongi asked finally, knowing very well that cases like these required quite a lot of professional and specialized investigation.

Hoseok smiled and gave him a slight nod.

"Did you contact the homicide detective unit yet? Taehyung? Jimin? Irene? Kai? I feel like a pair would be good."

"Not yet. I think it's about time."








Taehyung, already quite hungover from his sister's birthday party last night did not think his headache could get any worse. All he could ask for right now was an easy case and this did not seem like it. Goddammit.

Inspector Min did not know where this questioning was going, with the detective looking half asleep. Nevertheless, he answered.

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