{23} chance of optimism

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Taehyung did not hesitate to take the next few steps towards Jungkook, his bare torso pressing against him. Without a second thought, he charged at him with his anticipating thoughts and already wet lips. It was a long and sloppy kiss, one that had overflowing and tremendously pure emotions from both ends. It was no lie that they both liked this feeling. No- loved it.

Jungkook moved his lips in sync with Taehyung's, being completely swayed by his ways and his touch. This sudden rush of adrenaline seemed to have been awaited this whole time as they decided to leave no time to breathe, gasping and filling up the room with lewd sounds.

Taehyung's arm was wholly wrapped around Jungkook's cinched waist, which he had never realised was this small. It fit in so impeccably, giving him another reason to smile through the kiss as he shut his eyes. The other hand of his was caressing Jungkook's neck. His slender sensitive neck. One that made him feel uneasy yet delighted.

Jungkook could not see. All he could do was feel the not so innocent touches...the lips that felt smoother than melted chocolate...the naked body that violently pressed onto his clothed one...the bare arms that kept him on his spot...the soft yet deep groans that were only for him... Jungkook was living out a dream at the moment. Despite not being able to see the elder's face, he could imagine the immense passion and heat in the moment.

The younger was wobbly in his stance. He had not been sleeping and had no energy lately. However, the man who was kissing him as if there was no tomorrow made sure to support his body weight no matter what. His arm was firm across his waist, keeping him lifted on the ground as their bodies worked out for the best relentlessly.

Kisses were now slower. No words had been exchanged. That course of event was rather being avoided in this case. Sucking and pulling their way through the newfound addiction, they were caught up in a trance. Bodies and minds not willing to give up, they continued to surprise their own selves as they went on, brutally terrorizing the unknown territory through the inevitable war.

Their lips were swollen, too exhausted to go on yet too pertinatious to stop. As if on a sedative, they attacked each other with nobody to put a halt. It was their own little world which did not seek any interruption. However, respecting the nature of human beings and the responsibility of breathing in and out, they pulled away at the same time.

The only sound in the room for the next few intense seconds were their heavy breaths that seemed to have lasted way longer than thought.

Taehyung stared at the boy in front of him. His lips, still quivering from the impact, had turned cherry red with all the sucking and licking. Cheeks were flushed and body was unwilling to stand straight; he was somewhat impatient and unbalanced. The red bandana covering his beautiful bambi eyes made him unable to detect any emotion. But all in all, he looked like an absolute beauty.

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