{9} provoked calamity

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Jungkook was at work when he received a phone call. The employees around him passed him dirty looks, showing how annoyed they were about it. Jungkook had decided to ignore the call but when he realised that it was Taehyung on the caller ID, he had no choice but to pick up.

Ever since that day in the lake, they hadn't talked to each other at all. Taehyung had dropped him home. It hadn't been long but Jungkook couldn't get the events from that day out of his head.

"Hello, Mr. Kim." He whispered in a hushed tone, trying to divert everyone's attention.

"Are you hiding from someone?" The elder mocked his whispers.

"You see, not everyone can be loud while at work." Jungkook spoke, internally rolling his eyes.

"Right, right."

"Could you please tell me quick why you've called?"

"What an impatient man."


"You apologize a lot."

"Mr. Kim-"

"Okay, okay I'll get to the point. I need to meet up with you today. The café from that day?"

Jungkook was silent at once. Would it be okay to meet up with him at a time like this? Regardless, he decided it was best to agree and see what exactly was the elder plotting.

"Yeah, sure."

"Great. See you at 10 PM."

Jungkook wanted to argue and tell him to keep it slightly later but before he could do so, Taehyung had hung up. The younger was slightly mad but didn't let it get to his work as he continued.

The day was long, the tasks were challenging but the time was limited. And so, Jungkook's shift ended soon, making him ready to leave.

The punctual boy had reached the desired location at around 9:55. The dark circles under his eyes gave away his current sleep schedule and lack of energy. However, he tried to keep himself up as he waited for the elder. He ordered himself a red velvet pasty to snack on, being hungry from all the work he had to do just this one day. All in all, he was exhausted.

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes. Time was passing incessantly and there was no sign of Taehyung. Jungkook knew he was losing patience by now and by the time he decided to call the elder and know how much longer he'd have to wait, he received a call from him instead.

"Hey, Jungkook. Did you reach already?"

"Of course I did. Where are you?"

"I'm really sorry. Ji- I mean, Detective Park has handed me over additional work. I'll have to work for some more time, I can't make it today. Let's postpone this to another day, I'm sorry."

Jungkook was fuming with anger by now, almost murdering the half eaten pastry with his fork as he heard the man blabber some excuses. He brought upon a sarcastic smile on his face, knowing very well that he couldn't see it.

"It's alright. I'm sure you're busy. Let's do this another time." His soft honey voice almost gave Taehyung an illusion that the younger wasn't upset. In reality, however, the boy was actually quite mad.

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