{26} last stages

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While I was writing this chapter, I paused for a break. When I came back it was gone. I couldn't restore it at all so I wrote it all over again. Life fucking sucks sometimes. It's still a mystery to me where it went.



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Taehyung and Jimin were not on talking terms anymore. Both despised each other's guts and it was a silent and mutual agreement to not be involved anymore. Despite being partners, they were carrying out their investigations on their own without consulting the other or even sharing information.

Taehyung knew that Jimin was looking for ways to get Jungkook arrested. It wasn't that difficult anyway. If it were up to Taehyung, he had enough things to forcibly proof so as to arrest him. But he wouldn't do that. Not when he was so fond of him. Coincidentally enough, it was the same case for Jimin.

After all, they were both trying to protect their own lovers.

The past few days were the busiest ones Taehyung had ever been through. They weren't easy in the slightest bit. Especially after the fight with Jimin, they constantly avoided each other. Irene and Kai had expressed their concerns but who was even bothered? They didn't want to hear anything.

The stubborn Taehyung liked to believe that he was pretty well off even without Jimin. After all, he was a competent man who needed nobody but his own wits. There was no need for any assistance or help. He could do well enough by himself.

Taehyung understood very well that the case was approaching its end. It wasn't going to prolong for a longer time. It would soon be all over and he could feel it. What its consequences would be...he didn't know.

That morning when Taehyung went to the police station he did not expect that the depressed Inspector he was there for would be surrounded by two others who were in some serious conversation with him. There wasn't any chance to eavesdrop as they had stopped talking the moment Taehyung started to approach them.

Jimin had a hard glare on his face and Woozi was suddenly disinterested. Yoongi, however, was the only one who acknowledged his presence.

"Hello, Inspector Min."

"What brings you here?"

"I'm here for Wonwoo. There are certain things I want to clarify."

"Is the questioning not done yet?"

"It is, yes. But still. There's something new."

A little questioning gaze was all he earned from the elder before he continued himself.

"I have stuff on Jackson too. Gonna do it one person at a time."

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