{21} conscience

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Sunny had been instructed by Taehyung beforehand. The poor dog could've barely understood what Taehyung was saying to him but the man had a way with dogs. Animal-related stuff had always worked in his favour. Working in this field, the detective had gotten hold of the truth with the help of animals, especially dogs, countless times.

The pomeranian stared at their faces for a minute, observing intently. He did not seem impressed. One did not seem interested while the other one was trying his very best to look the same.

As the dog took small squeaky steps towards Jungkook, Taehyung visibly gulped. He had started to wonder if this idea was going to be the biggest blunder of his life. Heart beating at a ridiculously fast pace, Taehyung tried his very best to keep his calm.

Jungkook, however, was unfazed. He looked confident and not in the slightest bit, fearful. It didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung that the slightest moment of eye contact between Jungkook and Yoongi would make the former a little shaken up as seen from his eyes that started to wander elsewhere. He was scared but the reason was not Sunny. Somebody else in the room was the cause of this uncanny fear of the boy.

It didn't take Sunny long enough before he stopped licking Jungkook's feet and moved towards Jackson. Oh boy, did Taehyung finally breathe.

Jackson flinched when the dog approached his foot. Taehyung instantly knew the person he had been looking for this entire time. But he still waited to see how far along could it go. Licking and sniffing, something about Jackson aggravated the orange skinned pet as he aggressively tried to jump upon him, attacking teeth on full display.

All the officers were shook, Jeonghan and Yoongi rushed over towards the scene as they helped Taehyung to pry off the angry dog from crawling over the petrified Jackson's body.

"Sunny, get off."

"Sunny, no."

It was all in vain. The bottled up anger inside the little creature that had been waiting to be exploded was finally out. He could not talk but his actions spoke for him. Sunny wouldn't stop barking like his life depended on it; making it harder for everybody in the police station to calm him down.

Jackson was instantly handcuffed by Seungkwan and Mingyu then and there without asking for any explanation.

"Are you guys really gonna trust this dog? He clearly hates me, this is unfair!" The man grunted while being manhandled and handcuffed, an angry and dirty glare directed towards Taehyung.

There was utter chaos.

Nobody was listening to nobody. Things were happening fast. Very fast. In no time, Yoongi had calmed down the angry Sunny and taken him away from the scene. Jackson was still yelling on the top of his lungs, threatening everybody around. Being treated as Dr. Jung's murderer, he did not have anybody's respect or sympathy at the moment. Rather, Yoongi had wanted to punch him then and there but had to be away for Sunny's sake.

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