{15} just you

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When his eyes opened and his entire being came to terms with the reality, his head was spinning. Jungkook felt constrained, metaphorically and also quite literally. His eyes, half opened, hadn't yet realised where he was and gotten a hold of his surroundings yet. The impact from earlier's hit was too strong. The boy had no idea who it was.

His thoughts stopped the moment he tried to move. He had been slightly subconscious until now so he wasn't quite realising what was going on. He tried moving finally, noticing that his body wasn't exactly responding. His legs were tied together with a tough fibrous rope while his hands...they were cuffed onto the tiled white wall with some chains, possibly of iron. He couldn't move his arm much, his sitting posture making it hard for him. He couldn't move from his spot at all since he was tied to the wall and neither could he untie his feet since the only place his hands could reach was as far as his torso, even when he tried his very best.

And if that wasn't enough, Jungkook knew something else was really odd and eerie about the room. It was unusually cold. This wasn't how Seoul was lately. He looked around the greyish white room carefully, eyes not knowing what to expect. He couldn't help but let out a helpless gulp when he saw the dimensions of the unbelievably small room.

This wasn't exactly a cold storage but the temperature in there was enough to freeze a healthy living human being. Jungkook was all alone in the room, one tiny door towards his extreme left being closed as he sat on one corner, hugging his body tightly. It was so unbelievably cold, this was pure torture. It made him wonder. Did that guy just make him black out and left him here to die?

The thought scared Jungkook. The more he thought about it, the more terrified he became. What exactly was the source of this cold? He could see some leakage in a pipeline that entered the room's ceiling which brought in the cold air from some strange place. It was unstoppable, increasing every second.

The boy struggled, trying to get a hold of the rope entangling his feet but he failed. He was bound to fail. There was no way his hands would reach that distance even if he hugged his entire body. The more he pulled, the harsher the iron hit his skin, prickling through it, as if ready to peel it off. They were no less than handcuffs but not just his hands, his entire body was enslaved. He did not know what to do. He had never felt so helpless in life before.

Countless attempts to set himself free, but they all ended in vain. He would yell in agony every time he failed, the pain surging through his arms who couldn't win against the rusted metallic constraint. His feet were almost prickled by the harsh rope fibres, he was crying by now.

He wasn't obviously fully clothed, barely having about two layers over his body. He couldn't have predicted that he would ever end up in a situation like this. This had to be a literal nightmare. However, it wasn't. It was the reality.

He couldn't breathe. He was shivering by now, hugging himself to radiate some warmth but it was all futile. He couldn't even imagine or make a wild guess how chill the room had become. A human has his limits. Jungkook was about to reach close to his anytime soon.

Before that could happen, the tears rushing down his cheeks came to a halt as he decided to feel the presence of his phone. Surprisingly enough, it was still there. Jungkook could feel it in his white shirt pocket. It was a fortune of a lifetime that he could reach it with his hands. Even though he had to exert a lot of force to push the task through, he did it with full perseverance. Tears in absolute pain left his eyes as he pulled his hand away, the phone in his hands.

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