{10} classical necessity

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"My brother has nothing to do with your case. Why do we have to discuss anything that relates to him?" Jungkook spoke angrily, pushing the elder backwards as his iron grip over his collar tightened. Taehyung sighed, he knew that the boy wouldn't let go of his anger anytime soon.

"He is related to you. The point here is that you weren't honest about your family." Taehyung tried to explain in the most civilized manner he could have whilst being pushed backwards. It was when his back hit the hospital wall harshly, he let out a tiny grunt in pain.

"And how would that affect Il-han's situation? Did you ever consider that I probably didn't want anybody to know about my brother?" With eyes flashing various emotions all at once, the younger yelled. Their faces had gotten so much closer by now. Taehyung had to force himself to look away so as to avoid this tension.

"Look at me, I'm not done talking." Jungkook spoke with such sheer vexation that Taehyung had to make eye contact yet again. And deciding to not go against it, he actually held it this time so as to make the younger falter in his speech and his thoughts.

And oh the way it worked.

Jungkook was caught up in his speech, not able to form any words as Taehyung's gaze pierced back into his skin. They were basically breathing the same air in that very moment. The younger was too high on that tension and merely observed his face. Taking advantage of the momentary upper hand he had, Taehyung held onto the boy's shoulders and flipped them over.

Jungkook was now pushed against the modern brick wall while Taehyung got into his attempt to try and calm him down.

"See, I understand your feelings. But you cannot hide or lie about information when asked during any sort of investigation. As the detective working on this case, I would like to know your perspective regarding this. Why you lied and why this should be a big deal."

Jungkook was exhausted by now and didn't fight back. He seemed defeated at last and if it wasn't for Taehyung supporting his shoulders, he would've fallen to the ground. It was definitely not the best day for him and he seemed to be mentally drained after this incident. He could barely even stand.

"Are you alright?"

Taehyung had to ask. When the younger responded with nothing but slouched shoulders, head facing the ground and a few rushed breaths, the elder knew better. The boy was struggling himself and his mind was in a turmoil. Hearing the question, the younger suddenly looked back up at him.

This time his eyes were full of tears, ready to be shed any moment.

"No." He whispered, a single tear slipped down his cheek as he tried his very best to avoid Taehyung's gaze.

Knowing and understanding the frustration on his face, Taehyung cupped his face gently and brought it insanely close to his, almost surprising his own self when Jungkook's hot breath hit his face.

"What is bothering you?"

"A lot."

"Are you worried I might involve your brother in the investigation?"

The younger simply nodded, eyes gloomy and unflinching.

"I won't. Just answer my questions truthfully. That's it."

Jungkook wanted to protest but he couldn't. How could he possibly tell Taehyung about his fear? He was so stuck. Without earning any response from Jungkook, the elder moved away from the boy, giving both of them some space to breathe.

"What's your brother's name?"

"Jeon Jaeseok."

"How old is he?"

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