{25} thoughtfully reckless

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"Do you make bubble tea often?"

"Occasionally. Haven't made it in a while."

Taehyung and Jungkook were engrossed in a conversation of their own as the younger worked his very best to get the best results. They were both dressed in their cozy hoodies as demanded by the night hour. Playing with tapioca pearls had probably become Taehyung's favourite hobby by now. A comforting ambience surrounded them and the air was warm. The kitchen island separated them from each other but it was as ineffective as any antibiotic being used for the nth time for the same illness.

Despite the work, Jungkook's eyes found way towards Taehyung's every once in a while only to notice that he had been staring incessantly and unflinchingly for long enough. Taehyung was fond of Jungkook and he had no intention of hiding it.

"Stop staring at me like that." Jungkook muttered, an innocent smile creeping onto his face and cheeks becoming naturally flushed.

"Like what?" Taehyung questioned back playfully as he walked across tbe island and stood next to the flustered younger. When he didn't get any response, he lifted up his body weight on the island and sat down effortlessly, legs swinging slightly.

He now had a better access to Jungkook's face. He could watch him as he struggled with the milk and tapioca. His body language switched to a more tensed one as he was being stared at so intently, Adam's apple bobbling nervously and eyes...well his eyes seemed rather tired. He wasn't wearing his glasses at the moment so it was obvious on his face.


Only when the elder called out, Jungkook finally looked up and made an eye contact. Upon noticing the curious and questioning look on Taehyung's face he asked,
"What is it?"

"You look tired."

"Oh...I told you the work-"

"No it's not just work. You constantly look tensed."

Jungkook's lips were sealed at that. He didn't seem to be defending himself anymore. It was as though he had nothing to say about it.

"You wanna talk maybe?" Taehyung asked when he heard no response from the younger.

Jungkook thought over it for a minute. Was it a good idea to tell Taehyung? Most probably not. This would involve him in danger for no reason at all. Until and unless Jungkook was doing just fine there was no need to bother Taehyung. It might sound like a lack of communication on his part, but if he were to continue and take his precautions wisely and avoid all the trouble by himself, he was good.

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