{28} shadows' play

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A truckload of secrets were out and Jungkook, even though felt some kind of relief surge through his body, he now had more things to be afraid of. Now he had to take extra care in protecting himself and his brother. It was so burdensome and so unpredictable that his nerves were giving up on him.

He was glad that he had cleared it up with Taehyung but his worries never stopped. His breath never returned.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" Taehyung asked again when he noticed the younger's worked up state. He could barely stay standing and didn't look like his normal self. He pulled him away from the hug to have a look at his face.

He wasn't crying anymore but tear stains were still visibly evident. His eyes held no emotion, looking completely void. He seemed internally afraid, something that nobody could change. Not even Taehyung. When you felt threatened, nobody in the whole wide world is capable of helping you get rid of the uneasy feelings. It just wasn't possible.

"Can I please stay over?"

Taehyung was no one to say no. The discomfort on the younger's face wasn't hard to miss. It was disheartening, almost gut wrenching to watch him in such pain. The kind of pain that he couldn't fully express, that he couldn't even be helped with. Until and unless this case was wrapped up, Jungkook wouldn't feel safe.

Maybe even after it ends, he would never get over the trouble and pain it caused him. But at least. At least it would all be over.

Taehyung watched him for a good minute, analyzing the way his blank yet calm expression never changed. Maybe his calmness was how he managed to fool everybody around him. Maybe the desperation to survive behind those eyes was how he managed to be so good at it. He was broken and tired and it was all new to Taehyung.

He should've been mad at Jungkook. He still was. Being kept in the dark over these things was his biggest fear coming alive. He never fully trusted Jungkook anyway. He saw it coming but it still hit him hard. It reminded him of the imperfections their relationship was based off in the first place. It was beautiful but it needed some work.

All he could do in that very moment was try and counter the mental and emotional strain in his mind by placing a small lingering kiss on his forehead by brushing away the bangs falling on it. It was a soft little peck but the impact remained for much longer.

Jungkook lost his balance slightly, stumbling in his stance. It was momentary but the feeling of being overwhelmed hit him. The panic rushing throughout his body vanished in an instant. The moment Taehyung brushed apart the strands of his hair and placed his lips on his forehead, closing his eyes, he felt this sudden wave of serenity...as if he were falling into a peaceful slumber. And he would've probably fell if it wasn't for Taehyung catching him.

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