{32} silent rendezvous

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The night was cold but the duo felt warm inside the car.

Taehyung could've never imagined that he would ever be so broken, so hopeless and so regretful... His insides were burning and his chest hurt, even existing was a pain. Why was he here in the car crying in Jungkook's arms? He should've been shot instead of Jimin. He should've been there battling to save his life. It wasn't fair; it simply wasn't.

He could feel Jungkook running his arms up and down his body to make him feel better. He did not say a word and that scared Taehyung. Was Jimin really alright? The place he got shot...the way he collapsed without saying a word...it was impossible to be confident about his survival.

"J-jungkook." He whispered, head nestling in the crook of his neck, feeling the warmth and comfort. The younger simply nodded in response, ignoring the occasional hiccups that left Taehyung's mouth.

"How is Jimin?"

Jungkook did not know how to respond, continuing to caress the elder's hair. He thought for a moment, unable to decide for the best.

"The operation is ongoing. He'll do fine. Calm down."

The palpitations in Taehyung's heart increased all over again. He did not understand what was going on and being a stubborn little kid, he was too afraid to face it, too bothered to solve it. He had never shyed away from anything. Be it a murder, a mass murder...literally any gruesome and disgusting thing.

However, when he saw his best friend in that state, he forgot how to breathe.

"I wanna...talk to him." Taehyung said in a small groggy voice, almost inaudibly. He was not okay. His body felt like it was burning.

Jungkook remained calm. One of them had to. It's not like he wasn't affected by this situation or didn't care about Jimin. Despite knowing that the detective was after him and wanted to bring evidence against him anyhow, he still considered him as a good man.

He was Taehyung's friend. Taehyung wasn't the kind to have many friends so if he had a genuine one, he had to be one of a kind. Besides, it was because of Jimin that Jungkook had the minimal courage to confess everything to Taehyung. If not, everything would've been ten times worse. Gathering his courage and will yet again, Jungkook decided to comfort the man shaking in his embrace.

"You will...Just be patient."

"But why!" Taehyung yelled, voice slightly muffled because of being too close to Jungkook. His grip on Jungkook's shirt tightened as he expressed his frustration.

"Why did it have to be him? It could've been me...it was going to be me...He's so fucking dumb!"

With eyes never void of any tears, he continued to move his face along Jungkook's neck and chest, wetting the skin all along. Somehow, the warmth radiated by Jungkook's body and the cool and breezy scent comforted him. It made him breathe. Something he definitely couldn't until a few minutes ago.

"Relax, hyung, relax. It isn't your fault and you know it too...You're just- just caught up in the shock to realize it. Relax."

Jungkook took hold of one of his hands and placed a small kiss on it. He didn't mind that the elder was soaking his chest with the moistness of his tears or the fact that he was so small and vulnerable that it was difficult for his eyes to believe. Jungkook continued to place kisses all over his face, head and hands. At least he was safe...

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