{29} original showman

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"I was expecting to see you, Inspector Min. What took you so long?" Taehyung spoke dramatically, making sure to ease Jungkook's nerves by caressing his fingers in the secure hold of his own hand.

"Well, there wasn't exactly a direct invitation. I had to use my own brain you see." He responded, voice not as cocky as his dialogue. He was indeed the most confusing character of the play.

"Why did you come here?" Jimin was quick to confront Yoongi, not bothered by the fact that Taehyung and Jungkook were right there. Jimin was mad. Ridiculously mad.

Just when he thought Yoongi would be out of this mess and suspicion, he showed up here. It was so obvious that Taehyung had planned this for the murderer. Then why was he here? He had no business being here.

"I'm sorry I had to." The apology didn't take too long as Jimin walked over towards him in utter disbelief.

"Why are you making this harder for yourself? Just leave!" Jimin almost yelled, trying to look into his lover's eyes that he couldn't find in the darkness and mystery of the stage.

"I can't leave. I won't leave. It is time to finally own up."

Goodness, Jimin was dizzy. What the fuck was Yoongi talking about? It didn't really matter anymore as he pulled out his gun and pointed it towards Taehyung, quickly taking stance ahead of Yoongi in an attempt to shield him from his best friend who wasn't the kind to show any mercy.

The play was becoming rather intense. With Taehyung and Jimin both protecting their lovers from each other, they finally saw each other's faces when the lights of the stage were flicked on.

They passed each other a look of confusion. How did the light magically get switched on? Was there somebody else in there?

The four of them looked around in perplexion when Jihoon, Yoongi's younger brother came standing in the midst of the four of them. Coincidentally, both Taehyung and Jimin's guns were now pointed towards the newcomer.

"Woozi?" Jimin asked in surprise, soon realizing that he possibly knew about what was going to happen tonight at Avant-garde since he was sitting along with him and Yoongi when Taehyung started to talk in riddles and indirectly tell them.

"You shouldn't be here." Jimin tried to shoo him away but he didn't go.

"Woozi, what the fuck are you doing here?" Yoongi emerged from Jimin's momentary protection and walked towards his brother, trying to make an eye contact with the unwilling boy.

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