Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Her heart suddenly constricted violently...

    So does she go ahead or not?

    Ming Zhi listened to his heart helplessly, in a dilemma. It is really difficult to be a human being, and it is even more difficult to meet a person with such a personality.

    She stopped her hand involuntarily, but heard his voice again:

    [Why don't you continue? ]

    [Is it troublesome? ]

    [Heh, everyone is like this, this weak chicken killer of unknown origin is even more like this, it's really ridiculous. ]

    Ming Zhi: ...I'm so tired.

    But even so, she could still hear a hint of disappointment in his words.

    It's like a child who can't get candy, who obviously wants it very much, but can't reach out to ask others for various reasons. That quite pitiful.

    Ming Zhi sighed inwardly, feeling a little complicated, but she continued to help Rua's ears smooth.

    She is very clear that the continuation must continue, although the crown prince is crazy and moody, but now her life is in the hands of others, even if the other party wants her to be a cow, she can only accept her fate.

    It's just that Ming Zhi originally wanted to ease his situation, because he looked really wrong, like the estrus period was actually not completely, he didn't seem to have that kind of desire for her, which proved that their pheromones Shouldn't the match be very high?     However, for some reason, she worked hard and tried her best to help his rua's ears smooth, and even touched his furry tail, but his condition was worse than before, as if he finally couldn't stand it and fell down. She was panting heavily in her arms, her face became more and more rosy, and those clear ice blue eyes were also stained with desire that shouldn't be there.     No matter how dull Ming Zhi was, she had already noticed something was wrong. Seeing his eyes that were obviously different from before, she immediately let go of her hand, but she heard him mockingly say: "If the effect you want is like this, Then your goal has been achieved."     Ming Zhi:? ? ?

    "Don't you just want to mark me? Why bother to do all this foreplay? If you have the ability to grab it yourself, it's yours, and I can just kill you afterwards."

    … It came again and again, beating and killing at every turn, any charming thoughts in her were immediately extinguished, okay?

    Ming Zhi was thinking expressionlessly in her heart, thinking of taking a few steps away from him to calm down both of them, but her thoughts and actions were completely opposite -

    just like before, her hot red lips pressed against him inexplicably. The glands on the back of her neck, which were also hot, seemed to be squeezed with great experience, causing the person in her arms to groan unbearably, and reached out to pinch her waist tightly.

    What's even more frightening is that she hasn't figured out what happened yet, the canine teeth hidden behind her lips are already self-aware, breaking free from the restraints and wanting to plunge into the opponent's glands.     Ming Zhi's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and countless complex emotions rushed into her heart, doubts, excitement, expectations...all of them came up, so that she didn't even know where she was or what she was doing .     And just when her canine teeth had pierced his gland, suddenly a cold white hand reached up, as if feeling something, Wen Siyao's angry voice came immediately: "Shameless.     " Zhi: ...Aren't you the truly shameless person?     However, Ming Zhi faintly couldn't control herself. She clearly had a clear mind and thoughts, but her movements were uncontrollable. Her whole body seemed to be immersed in lava. Thin and transparent skin is her home.     Ming Zhi endured and endured, restrained and restrained, but finally couldn't bear it anymore, she bit down - she had already pierced the     opponent's gland, but her heart suddenly constricted and twitched violently After a while, the sting was inexplicable, without warning, and it was simply irresistible.     ...and poisoned again.

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