Sick With An RTI (Part 7)

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Harry's Pov: I just got out of the shower and just put my boxers on; before I did that my wife and I were chasing each other. I had to call a timeout because I was about to lose my towel and I needed to catch my breath, I also wanted to put some clothes on. We are currently waiting for our lunch to be delivered to our hotel room because my wife ordered room service.

Nichelle: Sweetheart, they look great on you. * I say looking at the pajamas I brought him for our one-year anniversary*

Harry: Thanks, sweetie. They fit perfectly by the way. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: So, I brought the right size? * I say to him, gushing over how good the pajamas looked on him *

Harry: Yes, you did sweetie. * He says going to kiss his wife on the cheek forgetting that he was sick with an RTI *

Nichelle: Looks like the shower helped, you don't sound as stuffy as you did earlier. * I say noticing the difference after Harry took his shower *

Harry: I guess so but I'm still sick. * he says*

Nichelle: I know sweetie. * I say *

Harry: Has our lunch come yet? * He asked his wife when there is a knock on the door *

Bellhop: * Knocks on the door* Room Service! * He calls *

Nichelle: I'll get it. * I say walking to the door and opening it *

Bellhop: Did you get room service? * he asks *

Nichelle: Yes. * I say *

Bellhop: okay. * He says bringing in the cart with our lunch on it *

Nichelle: Thank you. * I say giving him a tip *

Bellhop: Thanks for the tip. * He says*

Nichelle: No problem. * I reply *

Bellhop: Do you need anything else? * he asks *

Nichelle: No. * I answer *

Bellhop: Okay, enjoy your lunch and have a wonderful rest of the day. * He says before leaving and closing the hotel door *

Nichelle: Thanks. * I say opening the door and then closing it *

Harry: Lunch, nice. * He says *

Nichelle: I have the Ham and cheese sandwich with low sodium chips and a sweetened iced tea with lemon. * I say grabbing my lunch*

Harry: So, I have the Clam Chowder with a roll and eucalyptus tea with lemon and honey. * He says grabbing his lunch*

Nichelle: Yes, I thought that you would like to have something else with your Clam Chowder. * I say sitting up on the bed with the headboard being something to lean on *

Harry: Thanks sweetie. * He says also sitting up on the bed with the headboard being something to lean on *

Nichelle: How about we watch Dolittle? * I ask looking to see what channel Dolittle is on *

Harry: I would love to watch that with you. * He says blowing on his soup *

Nichelle: Okay. There is the channel. * I say turning to the channel on TV that the movie Dolittle was on *

Harry: Thanks for taking care of me, every time I get sick on tour and at home. I really appreciate it and I am glad that you are my wife. * he says before eating a spoonful of his soup *

Nichelle: Awe, sweetheart. No problem, I will always take care of you when you don't feel good. * I say kissing him on the cheek before taking a bite of my sandwich*

Harry: How is your lunch? * he asked me*

Nichelle: It's really good, what about yours? * I ask him *

Harry: Lunch is really good as well; I love how the warmth from the soup makes my throat feel. * he says to his wife *

Nichelle: Hopefully, it helps you get better. * I say to him *

Harry: I hope it does as well. * He says to his wife*

Nichelle: Do you want to watch another movie? * I ask him *

Harry: Yes. Can we also have a nap together? * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Of course we can. * I say to him *

Harry: Can we watch an action movie? * he asked his wife*

Nichelle: Yes, how about the Pirates Of The Caribbean? * I ask him*

Harry: Yes, which one? * he asked his wife *

Nichelle: Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl, it is on right now and it's at the beginning. * I tell him *

Harry: Yes, let's watch it. * He says finishing his lunch and starting to drink his tea *

Nichelle: Okay. * I say turning to the channel *

Harry: Babe, I really enjoy watching movies with you and cuddling. We should do this more often. * He says finishing what was left in his teacup and putting it down on the tray and moving closer into his wife's embrace *

Nichelle: Awe, sweetie; I agree we should watch movies and cuddle with each other more often, I actually enjoy doing so with you. Once we get back home after your tour we will cuddle and watch movies together but of course after we get settled and catch up on our sleep. * I say hugging him and then kissing him *

Harry: I love the sound of that. * he says kissing his wife back *

Nichelle: Then it's settled, when we get back home, we will cuddle and watch movies together on a Saturday. * I say lying down on the bed and Harry doing so as well *

Harry: Perfect. * he says snuggling into his wife *

Nichelle's POV: Harry and I are watching our third movie on tv together and when we are in the middle of our third movie, I notice that my husband Harry had fallen asleep for the second time today.

Harry: * Snoring *

Nichelle: Awe, he sounds so congested, and he is sweating. I hope that he doesn't have a fever again. * I say to myself before getting up and getting the scanner, so I can check his temperature *

Harry: *snoring and groaning *

Nichelle: Found it. * I say grabbing the scanner and then, scanning his forehead and waiting for the beep *

* Beep the scanner sounds *

Nichelle: Oh my goodness! * I exclaim after seeing the numbers on the scanner *

Harry: * wakes up from his sleep soaked * Babe, I'm hot.

Nichelle: Sweetie, your fever spiked again. Let me get you out of your pjs.

Harry: Ugh. * he groans *

Nichelle: Here is a towel. * I say handing him a towel to dry himself off *

Harry: I want to feel better already. * he says slowly getting up so, he doesn't get dizzy and drying himself off after taking his pjs off *

Nichelle: Sweet pea, maybe you should just sleep in your boxers. * I say to him, calling housekeeping to get some fresh bedding *

Harry: Okay. * he says making his way to the couch in the hotel room and lying down on it once he is dry *

Nichelle: I'm going to get a towel and place it on your forehead and try to get your fever down. * I say going in the bathroom and wetting a towel with cool water, wringing it out and then placing it on his forehead *

Harry: Okay. * he says lying on his back *

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