Stomach Bug At The Awards (Part 2)

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Nichelle's POV: Last night while Harry and I were in bed, I noticed that he was rubbing his stomach as if something were wrong. When I asked him about it, he said that his stomach was bothering him and so, I suggested that we should go to bed and that I would see how he was feeling in the morning.

Harry: Ugh. * He groans before walking to the bathroom*

Nichelle: Honey, it's three in the morning, what's wrong? * I say sleepily*

Harry: I don't feel so hot, and I am feeling queasy again but this time, I feel like I might hurl. * He says while holding his head over the toilet *

Nichelle: Sweetie, do you need me to rub your back? * I ask getting out of bed *

Before Harry could say anything, he lurches over the toilet and immediately starts spewing in the toilet causing his wife to rush to his aid and rub his back as he threw up in the toilet.

Harry: * Spewing in the toilet*

Nichelle: Oh, my goodness, sweetheart. * I say rushing to his aid *

Harry: * Spewing in the toilet again*

Nichelle: Just let it out sweetheart. * I say rubbing his back as he continued to vomit in the toilet *

Harry: It came out all at once. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: I know but you are okay. * I say rubbing his back as he continued to throw up in the toilet *

Harry: Yes, it just caught me off guard. * He says before violently throwing up in the toilet again *

Nichelle: it's okay, you're okay. * I say to him as I rub his back while he threw up. *

Harry: Can we lie down and snuggle? * He asked before vomiting again and then dry heaving *

Nichelle: Yes, of course. * I say to him while he is dry heaving *

Harry: Thanks babe. * He says wiping his mouth and blowing his nose before flushing the toilet and then brushing his teeth *

Nichelle: No problem, sweetie. * I say kissing him on the cheek and then hugging him before climbing back in bed *

Harry: How far are we from our house? * He asked his wife *

Nichelle: Which one? * I asked him confused*

Harry: Well, I have a house in LA and a house in London and now that you are my wife now it's our house. * He explains to his wife*

Nichelle: Oh, my goodness, Harry. I didn't know that we had a house in LA. * I say feeling surprised*

Harry: Well, we do. It used to be my house before I got married and now it's our house. * He says hugging his wife*

Nichelle: I haven't seen it. * I say to my husband *

Harry: Well, you get to as soon as we get to LA. * He says to his wife before snuggling into his wife *

Nichelle: How exciting. * I say snuggling my husband as he fell asleep and myself after. *

- In Los Angeles -

Harry's Pov: It's about 5:30 in the morning and my wife and I just arrived at our house in Los Angeles, before I can get off the bus and unlock the door to our house, I rush to the bathroom to vomit again.

Nichelle: Sweetheart, are you okay? * I asked concerned, hearing my husband throw up again *

Harry: Babe, take my keys and open the door to the house, I'll be out in a minute or so. * He says to his wife, handing her the keys to the front door of the house *

Nichelle: Okay, sweetie. * I say taking Harry's keys and opening the door to the house *

Harry: Ugh. * He groans before throwing up in the toilet again*

Nichelle: Oh my God. * I say opening the door and walking into our house in Los Angeles*

Harry: Pretty huge, right? * He says walking into the house as well*

Nichelle: Yes. This is our house. * I say in complete shock*

Harry: Yes, it is. Once you married me, I put your name on the deed to both houses and it became our house, if that makes any sense. * He says bringing in their bags *

Nichelle: That does make sense, Harry you need to take it easy; your stomach is upset. * I say going to grab his bags *

Harry: No, honey. I got this. * He says slapping my hand to not grab his bags *

Nichelle: Ow. Okay. I'm going to check out the house. * I say to my husband*

Harry: Go ahead, I got the bags. * He says grabbing his wife's bags and taking them up to their master bedroom *

Nichelle: Oh, my god. The kitchen is huge. * I say being blown away at how huge the kitchen was* 

Harry's POV:  While my wife is looking at the house, I am taking our bags up to our master bedroom and after I do so, I meet my wife in the Living room; so, I can show the rest of the house to her.

Nichelle: Oh my god, honey. I love this living room and the kitchen is huge. * I say to him *

Harry: So, you saw the kitchen. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Yes, and it's huge. There is an island in the kitchen, and it has granite countertops. * I say to him *

Harry: So, you must like granite. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Yes, I do. * I say to him *

Harry: If you go out of the slide doors you'll be on our deck and to the right of our deck is the pool. * He says opening the doors to our deck *

Nichelle: Oh my god, we have deck and a pool. * I say grabbing my husband's hand as he helps me out the doors and on to our deck *

Harry: Yes, we have a pool and a deck. * He says showing me *

Nichelle: Oh my god. * I say to him *

Harry: Watch your step. * He says grabbing my hand and helping me back inside *

Nichelle: Oh, my goodness. * I say to him *

Harry: Let's go downstairs. * He says opening the door to the basement *

Nichelle: What's down here? * I ask *

Harry: Down here is our home theater, bar, kitchen, and bathroom; a spa. * He says showing her the basement *

Nichelle: No way. Oh my God. * I say full of excitement*

Harry: So, we can plan a movie night and everyone who comes can join us in our theater. * He says before walking back up the steps *

Nichelle: I have always wanted to live in a big house. * I say to my husband *

Harry: And now you can. * He says to his wife. *

Nichelle: I noticed there was another door in the kitchen. * I say to my husband*

Harry: This door. * He says, going into the kitchen and opening the door. *

Nichelle: It this the laundry room? * I ask him*

Harry: Yes, it is. * He says to his wife*

Nichelle: Oh, my goodness I like how it's hidden. * I say to him *

Harry shows his wife Nichelle the rest of the house and then gives her the set of keys to their house and goes to their master bedroom and goes back to sleep.

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