Sick With COVID (Part 11) [Request]

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Request For:  TheOnlyFruitBasket

Nichelle: Yes, sweetheart I can do that. * I say to my husband Harry before slowly getting up and waddling towards his hospital bed, grabbing my husband's iPhone, and asking him if he was ready before hitting record on his phone. *

Harry: Hey, guys. I know that I look like crap, but I have something to say. I know that I was out of order and that the way I acted was unacceptable and you all have the right to still be pissed at me, but I want to apologize to you all for not letting you share your suggestions, for shooting your ideas down, for losing my cool and most of all for beating up a fellow member of my band and I know that it was uncalled for but honestly I have been on the edge lately because of my wife being 35 weeks pregnant and knowing that my daughter Stacy could be born at any moment and or any day which still doesn't give me the right to act out and I am truly sorry Niji, Pauli, Naomi and Elin and I was wondering if you all could forgive me. * He says telling his wife to stop recording. *

Nichelle: Got it, here is your phone back so, you can view the video and see how it came out before sending it to them. * I say to my husband Harry with a grin on my face feeling happy that he made a video to apologize *

Harry: Great, I am going to give it a look before I text it to the rest of my band. * He says grabbing his phone from his wife and watching the video before he sent it to everyone except for Mitch and Sarah because he had already apologized to them * 

Nichelle: Sweetheart, do you want to plan our Christmas party still? * I say to my husband Harry before he watches the video on his phone and texts it to everyone *

Harry: Yes, we can still do that. * He says to his wife Nichelle and then texting the video to the band via group text and then grabbing a tissue to blow his nose *

Dr. Harper: Hi Harry, how are you doing? * The doctor asked her patient Harry wanting to know how he was doing *

Harry: I'm doing better even though I had thrown up, I don't remember how long ago and the fact that my stomach is still bothering me but other than that I'm doing okay. * He says to his doctor before looking back at his wife wanting to kiss her so bad but not being able to because of Covid *

Dr. Harper: Okay, so we are going to have you stay in the hospital for 2 weeks, so we can monitor your breathing because of your asthma and since you have Covid. We want to be sure that your breathing is stable and once we are sure that you can breathe without any difficulties, we will discharge you from the hospital and you can recover at home. * She explains to Harry before examining his stomach to see if he still has pain and checking on his temperature *

Nichelle: Okay, maybe we can plan our Christmas Party, when you get home from the hospital in a couple of weeks and maybe bake and decorate some cookies and some other things. * I say to my husband Harry before checking the time on my phone *

Harry: What time are you seeing your OB/GYN? * He asks his wife Nichelle noticing that she kept checking the time on her phone.

Nichelle: He said after 3 PM he would see me and some I'm thinking at like 3:30 PM. * I say to my husband Harry seeing that the time on my phone was 2:35 PM and then putting my phone back in my bag *

Dr. Harper: Well, the pleasant news is that your temperature is down to 99.0° F and your breathing is good and so, you are on the path of recovery. * She says to my husband Harry, scribbling something on her notepad and then leaving Harry's room *

Harry: Thank you. Have you eaten any lunch yet? * He asks his wife Nichelle wanting to be sure that she had eaten *

Nichelle: Well, the only thing that I have eaten was a small pack of my pregnancy cookies and a water with my third trimester drink mixes. * I say to my husband Harry, letting him know what I had to eat *

Harry: Okay that's good but remember you must eat more calories since you are pregnant. I haven't eaten anything yet because I had been vomiting, I don't remember how long ago. * He says to his wife Nichelle letting her know that he hadn't eaten either *

Nichelle: I know. You threw up? * I ask my husband Harry wanting to know what happened while I was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital *

Harry: Yes, sweetheart. I did throw up. * He confesses to his wife, answering her question and then getting a little red in the face with embarrassment when he felt like he needed to go *

Nichelle: Sweetie, are you okay? What 's going on? * I ask my husband Harry getting concerned about him and seeing his face go red with embarrassment *

Harry: Um, yes and no. I just went on myself. * He says feeling uncomfortable and then relieving himself again, getting even more red in the face *

Nichelle: Did you urinate, or did you have a movement or both? * I ask my husband trying to be discreet while I was trying to figure out what happened *

Harry: Both, sweetheart I feel more coming. I need to get to the bathroom. * He says feeling like he was about to go again *

Nichelle: Was your movement solid or soft and runny? * I ask my husband trying to help him get to the bathroom in his hospital room *

Harry: My movement was the second one. * He says walking awkwardly to the bathroom in his hospital room while his wife was escorting him to the bathroom *

Nichelle: Diarrhea. * I say to my husband and sigh feeling really upset that he wasn't feeling well still *

Harry: I really want to kiss you, hug you and rub your baby bump and sing to your stomach but I can't do so, because I'm contagious and you really shouldn't be close to me right now. * He says to his wife, finally walking into the bathroom and then taking down his bottoms and boxers and sitting on the toilet to finish handling his business before wiping himself well before getting in the shower *

Nichelle: I know sugar pie, I want to do that too, but you are sick and contagious. I would love to kiss you and hug you right now but I don't want to get sick and I want Baby Stacy to be healthy when she is born but look at the bright side you're on the path of recovery and when you are better and Covid free for more than two weeks you can kiss me and hug me and anything else you want to do and also we can plan our Christmas Party, decorate our house and put our tree up and anything else we want to do. * I say to my husband Harry trying to cheer him up and get him to smile, trying my hardest not to hug him or kiss him and then leaving the bathroom, so Harry could have some privacy and setting his clothes that he would be wearing today on the hospital bed *

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