Stomach Bug At The Awards (Part 13)

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Harry's POV: My wife and I are sitting in the living room together, watching TV together and eating our breakfast together. I have always loved moments like this even when we were dating and when we got engaged, it's one of my favorite things to do with Nichelle and we both enjoy it so much.

Nichelle: You know Harry, I love spending my mornings with you every day and I am pretty sure that our first child would enjoy spending mornings with mommy and Daddy. * I say to my husband Harry*

Harry: Wait, are you pregnant? * He asks his wife after hearing what she said*

Nichelle: No, not yet but I have a gut feeling that in April I'll probably be pregnant with our first child. * I say to my husband*

Harry: Okay. * He says finishing his breakfast before drinking his water *

Nichelle: To be honest you never know. * I say to my husband *

Harry: You do have a point. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Well sweetie after I get these dishes off of the table and in the kitchen sink, I'm going to take my shower before I wash the dishes. * I say to my husband *

Harry: That is perfectly fine. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Okay. * I say to my husband after I finish my coffee and take all of the dishes and putting them in the kitchen sink to wash after I get out of my shower *

Harry: I'm going to try and get some rest. * He says to his wife before lying down on the sectional *

Nichelle: Okay, that is fine. You do need to try and get some rest before the awards tonight. * I say to my husband *

Harry: I'll let you know if I need anything. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Okay, love you. * I say to my husband *

Harry: I love you too. * He says to his wife before falling asleep while the original version of Batman was on *

Nichelle 's POV: While I am upstairs in the bathroom getting ready to shower and wash my hair, Harry is trying to rest up before the awards; he is still sick with the stomach bug even though he seems to be getting over it.

• 11:00 AM •

Nichelle: Harry, wake up. * I say to my husband while gently shaking his shoulder *

Harry: Sweetie, what is it? * He says to his wife*

Nichelle: It's 11:00 and you need to take your shower, you said that Adam Reed would be coming at around 12 Noon maybe 1:00 PM. * I say to my husband *

Harry: Okay, I'm getting up. * He says getting up from the sectional and going upstairs to their master bedroom to get his things that he needs before starting the shower *

Nichelle: Now to wash the dishes in the sink, from this morning.  * I say to myself aloud *

Harry: Nichelle. * He calls from the bathroom *

Nichelle: Yes. * I call from the steps *

Harry: Honey, I think that I just threw up. * He says wiping his mouth *

Nichelle: Awe, sweetie. Are you feeling sick again? * I ask turning the water off in the kitchen and heading upstairs to the bathroom to see how he was *

Harry: I might be feeling sick again. * He says to his wife who is bathroom checking how he was *

Nichelle: Awe, sweetheart. I thought that you were getting over your tummy bug. * I say to my husband, feeling for a fever *

Harry: I thought that I was as well, but I guess not. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: How about you go and lay down in bed and go to sleep for a bit? * I ask my husband Harry *

Harry: Yeah, I'll probably do that. * He says throwing the tissue in the toilet and then flushing *

Nichelle: Would you like me to blow dry your hair or do you want to do so? * I ask my husband *

Harry: No, I got it. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Okay, once you finish drying your hair with the hair dryer, go lay down and rest; okay. * I say to my husband *

Harry: I promise I will. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Okay, I have to get back to washing the dishes. * I say to my husband *

Harry: Okay. * He says to his wife before turning the hair dryer on *

• 12 Noon •

Nichelle: Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling? * I ask my husband *

Harry: A little better but my stomach hurts. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Okay, I'll make you some more stomach calm. * I say going downstairs to the kitchen and making Harry another cup of Stomach calm *

Harry: Thanks sweetie, I'm right behind you. * He says walking down the stairs*

Nichelle: Okay. * I say to my husband*

Harry: Can I have a popsicle? * He asks his wife *

Nichelle: Yes, which flavor? * I say going into the freezer and grabbing the box of Pedialyte freezer pops out of the freezer *

Harry: Can I have a blue raspberry? * He asks his wife *

Nichelle: Yes, you can. * I say grabbing a blue raspberry Pedialyte freezer pop for Harry and opening it for him *

Harry: Thank you sweetie. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: No problem, sweetheart. * I say to my husband *

Harry: To be honest, I think that Adam Reed might come at 1 PM to style our hair. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: You never know. * I say to my husband drying the last dish that I washed in the kitchen sink and putting it away *

Harry: True. * He says to his wife *
• 1:00 PM •

Nichelle: Sweetie, I think that your phone is ringing. * I say to my husband Harry *

Harry: Okay. * He says answering his phone *

~ Phone Conversation ~

Harry: Hello.

Adam: Hi Harry, it's your hair stylist Adam.

Harry: Hey, how are you?

Adam: I'm okay, how about you?

Harry: I'm okay, just hanging in there.

Adam: I heard that you were sick with the stomach bug.

Harry: Yeah, I am but I'm feeling a bit better, my wife has been making me a drink that soothes my stomach for 2 maybe 3 hours and has been feeding me easy to digest foods.

Adam: That's good, I didn't know that you were married.

Harry: Well, I am and I believe that you have already met her.

Adam: Yeah, it was nice to meet her, I am calling because I just wanted to let you know that I'll be at your house soon; actually, I am on my way right now.

Harry: Okay, thanks for letting me know.

Adam: No problem, I'll see you soon.

Harry: Yes, see you soon.

Adam: Bye.

Harry: Bye.

~ End of phone conversation ~

Harry: Nichelle. * He calls to his wife *

Nichelle: Yes. * I say to my husband*

Harry: Adam just called and told me that he was on his way to our house. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Thanks for letting me know. * I say to my husband *

Harry: No problem, Thanks for the drink. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: No problem, sweetheart. * I say to my husband *

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