Stomach Bug At The Awards (Part 6)

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Nichelle's POV: While I was with Harry in the bathroom, I heard the doorbell ring and then a knock on the door; I told Harry to stay where he was so I could get to the door. I didn't want him to try to walk to the sectional if he was dizzy and falling over.

Nichelle: Who is it? * I say on the other side of the door*

Elsa: It's Dr. Elsa. * She says from the other side of the door *

Nichelle: Hang on. * I say opening the door *

Elsa: Hi, Nichelle. How are you?

Nichelle: I'm doing good, just trying to help Harry feel better. * I say to his physician*

Elsa: Is he still in the bathroom?

Nichelle: Yes.

Elsa: Okay. *She says walking into the bathroom *

Harry: Ahh. * He screams again *

Elsa: Hi, Harry.

Harry: Hi. * He says through clinched teeth *

Elsa: So, you have an intense headache, and you were feeling dizzy.

Harry: Yes, and I almost passed out on the toilet. *He says grabbing his head and his stomach *

Elsa: We need to get you to the sectional. * She says to her patient *

Harry: Okay. * He says to his physician *

Elsa: Nichelle.

Nichelle: Yes.

Elsa: I'm going to need your assistance in getting Harry to the sectional.

Nichelle: Okay. * I say going back into the bathroom after closing our door and locking it*

Elsa: I'll let you get him cleaned up and then I'll help you get him to the sectional.

Nichelle: Okay. * I say to his doctor, before grabbing some toilet paper and wipes to help clean Harry up. *

Harry: Babe, what are you doing? * He asked his wife*

Nichelle: I'm wiping your bum. * I say grabbing a wad of toilet paper and wiping his bum *

Harry: You know, I can do so, myself. * He says feeling a bit awkward*

Nichelle: I know but you have been dizzy, and you have a killer headache, and you almost passed out and I don't want you to fall over and hit your head and knock yourself unconscious. * I say continuing to wipe his bum and then use the wipes to clean his bum and personal area *
Harry: Okay. * He says with his head still on his wife's shoulder *

Nichelle: Okay, you're all clean. * I say disposing of the wipes, flushing the toilet, and pulling Harry's underwear and bottoms on him *

Elsa: Okay. * She says putting Harry's arm around her shoulder and helping him to the sectional *

Harry: Will you please turn the lights off? * He says still holding his throbbing head *

Nichelle: Sorry, I can't. Dr. Elsa needs them.

Harry: I have a bloody headache, and the lights are making it worse. * He says with frustration present in his voice *

Nichelle: Alexa, dim the lights. * I say to the speaker *

Alexa: Dimming the lights. * The speaker replies*

Nichelle: Honey, is that better? * I ask him *

Harry: Yes. * He says opening his eyes*

Elsa: So, while I was talking to Nichelle on the phone. I noticed that you were severely dehydrated according to the symptoms and that we needed to get some fluids in you. * She says taking out her collapsible IV hanger for an IV Drip and setting it up *

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