Stomach Bug At The Awards (Part 7)

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* No Pov's *

Harry: I think that I'm finished peeing. * He says feeling soaked*

Nichelle: Okay, sweetie. * I say to my husband before going to get his Physician *

Elsa: Is it time to check his IV? * She asks his wife *

Nichelle: Yes, He is soaked. * I say to his physician*

Elsa: Let me guess, he just peed on himself. * She says to his wife *

Nichelle: Yes, because there was no way he would make it to the bathroom, plus his IV wasn't empty. * I say walking to the living room with his Physician after getting a towel for Harry to at least dry his legs off with *

Elsa: Well, it looks like the IV is empty and so is your bladder. * She says to Harry *

Harry: Can we not talk about that? It's embarrassing. * He says waiting for his doctor to take the needle out of his arm *

Elsa: I'll take the needle out and put a water-proof bandage on your arm where the needle was.  * She says to Harry*

Harry: Thank you because I really want to get out of these clothes and shower. * He says waiting for his doctor to do so, so he could get in the shower *

Nichelle: Harry, I'll give you a bag to put your clothes in and wash them.  * I say going into our cabinet with plastic bags in them and grabbing on *

Elsa: There you go Harry, how are you feeling? * She asks him *

Harry: Aside of me being soaked with urine, I don't have a killer headache now and I don't feel like I'm going to throw up again. * He says getting up and feeling more urine run down his legs *

Elsa: That is wonderful, which confirms my observations that you were just severely dehydrated from all the vomiting and Diarrhea and so, every time you throw up and or have diarrhea or both make sure you hydrate after, so, you don't get severely dehydrated again. * She says folding her collapsible IV hanger up before going to put it in the trunk of her car *

Nichelle: Here you go babe. * I say handing Harry the plastic bag to him *

Harry: Thank you. I'm going to go upstairs and have a shower now. * He says taking his feet out of the bowl and using the towel to dry his feet off wrapping the towel around his waist and walking upstairs *

Elsa: Well, Harry is all set, and he is doing better. Since we got some fluids in him, he is no longer severely dehydrated. * She says to his wife *

Nichelle: Thank you so much for coming out. * I say paying for his doctor's visit *

Elsa: Thank you. If anything, else happens to Harry, call me back and I'll see if I can look him over. * She says taking the check from Harry's wife to pay for his medical home visit and leaving their house*

Nichelle: Well, time for me to wash this pan and bowl. * I say closing our front door and locking it, before putting some gloves on and taking the pan in the bathroom downstairs and pouring the urine in the toilet and rinsing the pan off before using bleach to wash the pan and doing the same thing with the bowl and flushing the toilet*

Harry: Sweetie. * He calls from the bathroom*

Nichelle: Yes. * I call from downstairs*

Harry: Can I have some rice later? * He asks his wife from the bathroom *

Nichelle: Yes, you can sweetheart. * I say to my husband *

Harry: Thank you. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: No problem sweetie. * I say to my husband *

Harry's Pov: After I finished taking my shower and getting comfortable in a clean pair of underwear and a clean pair of clothes, I went downstairs with the bag that my urine soaked clothes were in and put them in the washer myself with laundry detergent, Lysol sanitizing detergent and with some fabric softener and let the washer do its job.

Nichelle: Hey babe, are you comfortable now? * I say grabbing a pot and putting water in it and a hint of salt and putting it on the burner, so, the water could boil for his rice *

Harry: Yes. * He says sitting on the other side of the sectional *

Nichelle: I'm glad. I'm getting the water ready for your rice. * I say to my husband before going back into the kitchen and checking on the water *

Harry: I might not want anything else tonight. * He says feeling his stomach start to hurt again *

Nichelle: So, you don't want any more food? * I ask my husband, putting the rice in the pot after the water started boiling and stirring it before turning the eye on the stove off and covering it and letting it sit in the pot until all of the water was absorbed and then fluffing it with a fork before putting some rice in a bowl for Harry *

Harry: No. My stomach is hurting again. * He says frowning *

Nichelle: Do you want me to make you some more tea? * I say checking if the kettle still had enough water in it before turning on the stove to make another cup of tea *

Harry: Yes sweetie, which would be great. * He says groaning from the pain in his stomach *

Nichelle: Okay, I'm going to put some ginger in your tea. * I say to him ahead of time *

Harry: Okay butterfly. * He says before lying down on the sectional again *

Nichelle: Ginger is supposed to help your stomach. * I say to my husband *

Harry: I know. * He says grabbing the remote and turning on the television *

Nichelle: I'll let you know when your tea is ready but here is your bowl of rice. * I say bringing Harry his food and putting it on the table*

Harry: Thank you, sweetie. * He says sitting up on the sectional and grabbing his food from the table*

Nichelle: Careful, it's hot. * I say to him from the kitchen*

Harry: Okay, sweetheart. Do you want to watch this movie with me? * He asks his wife*

Nichelle: What is the movie called? * I ask my husband*

Harry: I think that it's called Crazy in Love * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: When was the movie released? * I ask my husband *

Harry: It was released in 1992. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: Yes, I would love to watch a movie with you. * I say grabbing something for me to eat before joining my husband in the living room on the sectional *

Harry: It's on now. * He says to his wife before eating his food *

Nichelle: Okay. * I say to him before grabbing a throw blanket for the two of us to share and then eating my food*

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