Sick With COVID (Part 4) [Request]

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Request for: TheOnlyFruitBasket

Anne's POV: After I took my bags upstairs to the guest room that I would be staying in which was next to my son and daughter-in-law's bedroom, I put my things in the empty dresser in the room and set my things in the bathroom. Once I was settled in, I went to my son and daughter-in-law's bedroom and checked on my son.

Harry: * Groaning *

Anne: Harry. * She says to her son wanting to shake him awake but deciding not to *

Harry: Hmm. * he groans *

Anne: Sunshine. * she says putting her hand on Harry's forehead and cheek arousing him awake *

Harry: Mum, what are you doing here? * He says still half asleep *

Anne: Nichelle, called and asked me to take care of you, while you're sick with COVID. * She says to her son *

Harry: Okay. Can you hand me the bucket please? I'm going to throw up. * he says to his mum *

Anne: Here you go sweetheart. * She says to son, while handing him the bucket just before he started throwing up again *

Harry: * Puking in the bucket *

Anne: Awe Pumpkin, you're going to be okay. Just let it out Harry. * She says to her son, wanting to rub his back as he threw up in the bucket but choosing not to *

Harry: * barfing in the bucket still *

Anne: You're doing good. * she says to Harry, knowing that he has a phobia of vomiting and soothing him with her words *

Harry: Mum, I need to remove a shirt; I am really hot. * he says to his mum removing his short sleeve shirt *

Anne: Sweetie, can I feel your forehead? * she asks her son *

Harry: Yes. * He says to his mom getting a break from throwing up for a while before starting again *

Anne: Okay, sweetheart. My hand is a little cold. * she says before putting her hand on his forehead *

Harry: That feels nice. * he says leaning into his mom's touch *

Anne: Baby, you're blazing. * she says feeling heat radiating from her son's body *

Harry: * moves out of his mom's touch and starts vomiting in the bucket again *

Anne: Nichelle. * She calls from the top of the steps *

Nichelle: Mom, what's going on? * I call from the bottom of the steps *

Anne: Nichelle, you need to come up here. * She says to her daughter- in-law *

Nichelle: Okay, I coming. * I say grabbing the rail and walking up the steps *

Anne: Nichelle, feel his forehead. * She says to her Daughter *

Nichelle: Okay. * I say putting my hand on my husband's forehead *

Harry: Babe, that feels nice. * he says leaning into his wife's cool hand *

Nichelle: Oh my gosh, you are blazing. * feeling heat radiating from her husband's body as well *

Anne: Are you finished throwing up? * She asks Harry *

Harry: Yes, I think so. * he says handing the bucket to his wife *

Nichelle: Okay. * I say getting hit with a wave of nausea *

Anne: Do you want me to take that? * She asks her daughter *

Nichelle: Will you please, I just got hit with a wave of nausea. * I say handing the bucket to Anne *

Anne: Okay sweetheart. * She says to her daughter *

Nichelle: I'm going to get the scanner. * I say to Anne *

Anne: Okay, I'll go clean out the bucket. * She says to Nichelle *

Nichelle: Thank you, mom. * I say to Anne *

Harry: Hmm. * he groans *

Nichelle: Harry sweetheart, can I scan your forehead to take your temperature? * I ask my husband *

Harry: Yes, but don't get too close to me. * He says to his wife *

Nichelle: I know sweetheart. * I say to my husband scanning his forehead with the scanner *

Harry: I'm going to go shirtless; I am super-hot. * He says to his wife removing his undershirt now *

Nichelle: Oh my gosh. 106.0 degrees Fahrenheit. Sweetheart you are blazing. * I say to my Husband *

Harry: Is the room spinning? * He asks his wife *

Nichelle: No, the room isn't spinning. * I say to my husband *

Anne: The bucket is cleaned. * She says to her daughter-in-law *

Nichelle: Thank you. Mom, could you go grab a washcloth and put cool water on it? * I ask my mother-in-law *

Anne: Yes, what's going on? * She asks her daughter-in-law *

Nichelle: Harry has a fever of 106.0 degrees Fahrenheit, and we need to get his temperature down, he is blazing, and he keeps saying that the room is spinning. I think he is on the verge of getting dizzy and about to pass out. He had to take his undershirt off. * I say to my mother-in-law *

Anne: Okay, I'll turn the ceiling fan on as well. * She says to her daughter-in-law flipping the switch to turn the ceiling fan on and the going in the bathroom and grabbing a washcloth and putting cool water on it and squeezing it leaving it just wet enough and taking it to her daughter-in-law so she could put it on his forehead *

Nichelle: Sweetie, I know that this is going to be cold on your forehead, but we need to get your fever down. * I say to my husband, placing the cold washcloth on his forehead *

Harry: I'm tired. * he says to his wife *

Nichelle: Anne, can you take over please? My back is hurting and I'm winded. * I say to my mother-in-law *

Anne: Yes, darling. Go sit down. * she says taking the washcloth out of her daughter's hand and switching places with her and putting the cloth on her son's forehead *

Nichelle: Thank you, mom. * I say to my mother-in-law before walking to the guest room I was staying in until Harry got over COVID and sitting on the recliner that was in the guest room and rubbing my pregnant belly *

Anne: Is there anything I can do for you? * She asks her daughter-in-law *

Nichelle: Yes, can you get my laptop, my laptop charger, my phone and, my maternity pillow from downstairs and bring it up to my room. * I ask my mother-in-law *

Anne: Yes, I can darling. * She says to her daughter-in-law *

Nichelle: Thank you. * I say to my mother-in-law *

Anne: No problem darling. * She says to her daughter-in-law before wiping Harry's forehead again *

Harry: Maybe I should just sleep in my boxers instead of my sweats or pajamas. * He says wanting to close his eyes and go to sleep *

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