Sick With COVID (Part 13)

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Request for: TheOnlyFruitBasket

Harry: I think that we should have the party at 3 PM and then end it at 8 PM. * He says to his wife Nichelle *

Nichelle: Okay but what are the guests going to do for six hours? * I say to my husband Harry feeling kind of confused *

Harry: To be honest, I wanted to incorporate your Baby shower at the Christmas Party. * He says to his wife Nichelle before grabbing a tissue and sneezing in it and then blowing his nose *

Nichelle: Sweetie, we already had my baby shower and gender reveal, we did that while I was in my second trimester of pregnancy. * I say to my husband putting my hand on my belly again and rubbing it *

Harry: I know but consider this a Pre-baby arrival party for Stacy. * He says to his wife Nichelle walking out of the bathroom after washing his hands although he used a tissue to sneeze in and blow his nose in *

Nichelle: When you put it that way, it doesn't sound confusing. * I say to my husband Harry wanting to kiss his lips but still being cautious *

Harry: See, I think about some cool things, right sweetheart? * He says to his wife Nichelle giving her that sexy lip bite again and making her blush completely with a giggle *

Nichelle: Harry, you, and that sexy lip bite again. You're killing me. By the way I was thinking about calling Mitch and Sarah and having them help me and you finish the nursery for Stacy, and I am thinking about calling the rest of your band, Gemma, and Marco and having them help decorate our house for Christmas. Are you okay with that? * I ask my husband Harry, hoping that he approved on letting Mitch and Sarah finish the nursery and the rest of his band and his sister Gemma and her boyfriend Marco putting our Christmas decorations up *

Harry: I am completely fine with that, we need to get the nursery finished before Baby Stacy gets here and we need help with the Christmas decorations, especially if we want to have our Christmas Party on December 20th. * He says to his wife before turning the television on in their bedroom and looking for a Holiday movie to watch *

Nichelle: Great then I will call them in a few minutes. Harry is our 8 ft Christmas tree still in the storage in the basement or is it in the shed? * I ask my husband Harry wanting to know where our Christmas tree was stored and wanting to get it out of storage and have Anne put it up *

Harry: Our 8 ft Christmas tree is stored in the basement; I think that you should have mum check. * He says to his wife Nichelle grabbing a couple of tissues and putting them up to his nose before he sneezes again and then blowing his nose discarding the tissues in the trash before getting up and going to the bathroom to wash his hands *

Nichelle: Sweetie, I will. Do you want some miso soup for dinner tonight with the crackers I bought just for you? * I ask my husband Harry, wanting to make sure he had something for dinner that is a part of his pescatarian diet before I figure out what Stacy and I are having for dinner tonight *

Harry: Yes, that sounds good but what are you and Stacy going to have for dinner? * He says to his wife Nichelle pointing at his wife's baby bump and smiling *

Nichelle: Well, Stacy and I are going to have Chicken and veggie quesadillas; apparently, I am craving Mexican food and some pickles and ice cream for dessert. * I say to my husband Harry putting my feet up because they were hurting due to my pregnancy *

Harry: Okay. Pickles and Ice cream for dessert doesn't sound appetizing. * He says to his wife shivering at the combination and giving her that gag face before yawning *

Nichelle: Harry, I'm pregnant and so pickles and ice cream sounds appetizing to me, and baby Stacy wants it. * I say to my husband Harry, blowing him a kiss and asking him about other things for our Christmas Party *

Harry: You never told me what your OB/GYN said about you getting dizzy suddenly, the same time I coded and had to be revived. * He says to his wife Nichelle wanting to know why his wife got dizzy *

Nichelle: He said that the reason I got dizzy was because I had not only low blood pressure, but I also had low blood sugar and so, I must eat frequently to keep my blood sugar from getting low where I get dizzy. * I explain to my husband Harry answering his questions of concern and putting him at ease *

Harry: Have you eaten, today? *  He says to his wife Nichelle feeling concerned about his wife after hearing why she was dizzy suddenly at the hospital, at the same time he coded and had to be revived and not wanting his wife to get dizzy again from low blood sugar majorly *

Nichelle: Sweetie pie, calm down. Yes, I ate today and had my snacks, so, you don't have to feel anxious about it, you need to focus on getting over Covid because that is the most important thing that you should worry about right now. * I say to my husband Harry, trying to calm him down because he was really concerned about me and baby Stacy *

Harry: Have you thought about the invitations and thank You's that we will be sending out to our guests who will be attending the party, and can we maybe have a guestbook where everyone could sign in and maybe write a message to us and baby Stacy that we could read to her. * He says to his wife Nichelle before he turns his head to where the television was and starts watching a Christmas movie *

Nichelle: No, I haven't but I am thinking about something festive for both the invitations and Thank You's; maybe there can be a gift exchange, we are most definitely not doing the white elephant thing where you could get two steals; like we did at our party last year as newlyweds. Our guest really didn't like the white elephant thing. What are you watching? * I say to my husband Harry moving the recliner so, I could see the television and see what my husband was watching *

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