Chapter 13 - This is my fluffy! (Dreamtale? Multiverse)

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Sun is loving this new place and he might have finally found a Dream variant he can stand!


Dreamtale? Multiverse

Sun groaned when he woke up, unhappy at the hard surface he had landed on. Pushing himself up he was prepared to be faced with a fussing Angel, so was pleasantly surprised by the open field he was in....did that mean he had escaped his newest leeches?

He could feel a smile grow but a low growl caught his attention. Spinning around he froze at seeing a very fluffy creature. They were taller than the trees around him and had a long swaying tail and two perked ears.

They were pure black but he was sure he knew what they were. It was a cat!...they were much bigger than the books said they were....Maybe it was a misprint?

A deep purr emanated from the creature and Sun's form softened at the adorable sight. He was pretty sure he was in love and perked up when he saw more appear in the clearing. This had to be the best place he had ended up so far!

Of course good things have to end, when a hand gripped his arm, pulling him out of the way of a rolling cat. So rude! They just wanted to be closer to him.

"Woah! Good thing i was here to save you"

Sun stiffened before looking at the amused voice, glaring at them. It was another UNRAD Dream!...did that mean an Ink was nearby?

He soon forgot his displeasure with them and grimaced at spotting an Ink bouncing nearby, trying to coax a cat to play with some string.

He stared at them, wondering how insane this Creator would be but focused back on the Dream.

"Thanks...Are there more places like this?"

He couldn't help the hope his tone held but flinched when Ink popped up, gushing about all the AU's he had made, that were just like this.

"-there is even one with dinosaurs! Only heard about them from Error but thought they sounded funny. Want to see the one wit—"

His eyes glazed over at the onslaught of information and he hid behind Dream, using them as a shield from the word vomit. Did the other ever stop?

"Hey....Your name is Dream, right?"


Sun was unsure why Dream was feeling so amused but pushed that away for something more important.

"Can we perhaps just ditch Ink and you take me?...unless you want to stay with him ?"

He didn't hide the judgement in his tone, when thinking of the other liking Ink. Thankfully they easily agreed, even when he saw an unfamiliar glint in their sockets.

A golden portal formed beneath them, thankfully leaving behind the babbling Creator alone.


"Look Dream! It's a dog!"

"SUN! That is not a 'dog' and It's trying to eat you!"

"No it's not. It's just being friendly. Come here boy!"

Sun was having a great time, even with the spoilsport that was Dream, dragging him away from all the cool things. Who knew animals could become so large and colourful?

"Awww. Looks like it's an octopus...why does it have so many eyes though?"


"Just because it lookes different doesn't mean it's you think I could pet it?"


Dream might sound upset but Sun could sense the underlying delight. He was glad they were having fun too. This might be the best Dream variant he had found yet.

They did ask some odd questions though. Like his thoughts on the 'balance' and his morals.

He bluntly stated he just wanted to live how he liked, which made the other become much more friendlier with him...he felt he just said something that would get him in another mess again.

Hoping to distract them he thought of what he wanted to do next.

"Hey Dream? Can we go see-"

" DREAM! How dare you get in my way! "

...why. Why did Nightmares have to ruin his fun? He shuffled closer to Dream, unsure why this caused horror to come from Nightmare and his group. When Dream's arm went around his shoulder the feelings grew more intense.

"I will always protect the 'innocents' from you, brother"

The tensions escalated making Sun lean further into Dream, in unease. When an inky portal appeared that is when the tension snapped.

He was pushed behind Dream who then launched at their co-Guardian alone, with Ink dealing with the rest.

Watching the fight he thought it looked much more vicious than ones he had witnessed in the past. He was confused about where Blue was...unless the splace didn't have one? He didn't believe he was an expert on what was supposed to be 'normal' and it was mostly just a guessing game.

"How dare you ruin my beautiful creations! DIE!"

...that did sound like all the Inks he had known before though. They were super possessive DUDES...he despised this child lock.

A glitch to his right made him turn to look, to see if Error was nearby, but he spotted nothing....just what was up with this place? Was this normal?

"We won! Come have a hug, mini Dream!"

He screeched as he was picked up by Ink, digging his hands into their shoulders in annoyance. This one was just as irritating as the rest.

" Get off you parasite! "

"I'm not Fresh!...Did you get confused?"

He had no idea who 'Fresh' was but the fake innocence was annoying him. He knew they understood what he meant. Stupid Creators.

"I am not a child! DO NOT NUZZLE ME!"

A well placed kick allowed him to be free but he still warily eyed the downed Creator.

"So mean! Dream! Tell your mini me to be nicer!"

He made eye contact with Dream, daring them to try such a thing. He might be small but he was sure he could do some serious damage before he ran.

His staring match was stopped when he spotted that no one else was here.

"Dream? Where did Nightmare go?"

"Why are you so nice to Dream?!"

"We scared them off. They are much weaker than us, after all"

"DREAM! Don't ignore me as well!"

Fully taking in Dreams stance and smirk, Sun knew this had to be his favourite variant by far. They had a backbone and showed him cool things..he hoped they weren't secretly crazy.


*Sun with any new creature they meet*

Sun: So, i can pet it right?


Sun:...that's a yes then?
Sun: This place is great!

Ink: Let me show you even more!

Sun: *ignores Instincts blaring at him in warning* Ok!

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