Chapter 41- 'Hide and seek' with Blue (DreamSwap Multiverse)

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Sun 'plays' with Blue and decides that Mr Crazy isn't so bad.


DreamSwap Multiverse

Blue twitched, feeling eyes on the back of his skull yet again. He tried to keep his pace even but he was finding it hard to act unaffected, considering this had been going on for over a week. He spun around at a loud noise, eyelights wide in panic. He tried to discreetly look for the source, but was unable to spot anything.

"Do you need assistance, sir?"

Blue yelped at the voice, it taking him a minute to realise it was just one of Dreams staff. How embarrassing. He tried his best to look normal but going by their stiff smile, he was failing miserably.

Great , just what he needed. He did not want Dream to hear about this and he would have to try and do some damage control later..after he left this creepy place.

"I'm f-fine"

He sped off, not wanting to spend another minute here. He had just dropped off the files Dream had asked for and his nerves were already fried. He had been here for only five minutes and already dreaded having to come back.

...Maybe he was just growing paranoid due to stress? The last few months had been hard. Perhaps a holiday would help.

"Careful there. You nearly ran into me..are you ok, Blue? You have been rather jumpy lately"

Blue stiffened at Dreams voice, looking up and recoiling at the cold look they gave him, despite feeling his Negativity be forcibly pushed down by their magic. He had never feared Dream before, feeling more a healthy wariness around them but right now he was petrified. It took everything he had not to cry, the desire clashing with his sudden surge of forced happiness.

He only helped Dream as he believed in their ideals but their magic was just so creepy.

This week was rough and he only managed to let out a high pitched wheeze in response to their question, stuttering he was fine, before heading for the door. He did not want a surprise visit from them later and mentally berated himself for acting like this.

Dream hummed as he saw Blue leave, before continuing his path to his office. As he rounded the corner he didn't falter as a new weight suddenly appeared on his shoulder but a small smirk did form, gently stroking the fur of his new companion.

"Did you have fun?"

'I have no clue what you are on about. I am merely a simple cat after all'

"Of course. My mistake"

Dream rubbed the ear of the golden animal, smiling at the soft purr they let out. He still hadn't named his new companion, not wanting to grow too attached to them. Sadly only one other being would possibly live as long as he would..but he would end them soon and get the paradise he envisioned long ago!

Sun chuffed, rather amused by Mr Crazy. They tried to hide their feelings with their 'polite mask' but he could sense how much they liked his chaos. It's how he was getting away with so much. He ignored their sudden rambling, having grown used to it by now and focused on much more important topics!

Blue was getting exactly what they deserved, in his opinion. He was not a forgiving being and being called 'it' was not appreciated. Sun was also getting the chance to practise psychological warfare that Fresh taught him, which he was finding rather fun.

He hardly needed to do a thing and they were nearly a gibbering wreck.This multiverse was giving him so much practice!

"You know. Blue is scheduled to come to a meeting later today. He often prefers the back entrance, says it makes him feel safer"

Suns ear flicked in interest at Mr Crazy's rather useful tidbit of information. He guessed they weren't too bad. Perhaps if they were less insane, he would have definitely kept them as a servant.


Sun screeched loudly, not happy about this new arrangement at all. All his previous goodwill to Mr Crazy drained away, only begrudgingly staying still in Dreams arms. He smacked his tail in their face, not wanting them to ignore just how unimpressed he was. They should be able to understand, going by his emotions but why chance any misunderstandings.

"I know, little one and i am truly sorry. While i usually don't mind you near, i'm going outside and it would be rather dangerous for tiny animals"

'But that sounds fun! Let me come with you'

Sun grumbled at how determined they were, glaring unhappily as he was put down on a table next to this multiverses Ink. While he had no issue with emotionless Creators this variant was just so boring . They didnt do anything fun and barely took direction, unlike previous ones he had met.

Sure, only Mr Crazy could currently understand him, as he refused to project his voice to anyone else here but at least Servant 1 had obeyed his commands, despite being an idiot.

This Ink was just plain inferior in every way. Just a boring little soldier and not even good at giving him pets! He had gotten used to a certain pampering and this was just not sufficient.

How was he going to survive the next few hours?!

He let out a mrewp as Dream raised their magic, letting out an unwilling purr as his body automatically fed off their magic. Now that was cheating and they knew it, going by the smug tilt to their mouth. He refused to be taken out of his bad mood!

"I won't be long, little one. Try and behave while i'm gone"

Sun widened his eyes, letting out a quiet meow, looking innocently up at Dream. His small furry body was perfect for this act and he internally sniggered when he saw Dream melt at it. They had seen him do so much and they still fell for it evertime.

What a sucker~.

Receiving an extra stroke he silently watched Dream leave, before turning judging eyes towards his apparent 'babysitter'...they had not moved an inch since being given 'orders' and if he couldn't sense their wisps of emotions, he would think they were dead.

...his Ink taxi was so much better.


*Blue becoming a paranoid wreck due to Sun*

Cat Sun: I could be merciful and stop..but they did call me 'it' and i still feel a tiny bit salty about it
*Cat Sun pushing a vase onto the floor, amused when Blue startles*

DS Dream: *Very amused but unwilling to admit it* know, the red vase would make a louder noise

Cat Sun: *Thrilled that they are playing along* Thank you for that totally random piece of information!
DS Dream: So how was your time with Ink?

Cat Sun: It was terrible! I will never forgive you, if you leave me with them again!

DS Dream:...they didnt pet you, did they?

Cat Sun: *Absolutely livid* Not even once!

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