Chapter 64- You think it can't get worse? Bet! (Shattered multiverse)

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Sun gains yet another headache and his opinion of adults is forever plummeting


Shattered multiverse

Sun knew he should have kept his mouth shut, grimacing at how wet his shoulder was becoming. His co-Guardian was far more emotional then he remembered, huffing when they squeezed him like he was a stuffed toy and mumbled some more apologises into his shoulder.

To be honest, the possibility of dusting didn't sound too bad if he meant he would no longer have to deal with this.

He stared blankly at Iris, who meowed at him pitifully as they nudged his face, sighing when he realised he needed to eat more magic...again.

This was growing rather tiresome, wondering how much longer it would be until Fresh came back, feeling it had been weeks at this point. He sadly knew it had only been an hour and not even a full one wondering if their crying would ever end.

He perked up when he heard footsteps, wiggling in his prison until he was able to finally turn his head, biting a particularly annoying tentacle until it loosened up.

" Do you know how long It took me to find you, little apple?! I got turned around so many times and-who the hell is that?! "

"Shattered! My favourite person ever, who i would do anything for and have never thought of trying to trick and-"

" Are you sick? You better not be dying. Blot will be a right pain if you are "

Shattered quickly interrupted, kind of unnerved by the genuine joy he sensed coming from the babybones. He warily looked around him, unable to see any traps and cautiously walked closer, very confused at who was holding the babybones. It definitely wasn't hisbrother and the odd monster somehow hadn't even noticed him, giving a suspicious look to the babybones.

He had grown unwillingly fond of the chaos they could spread so easily impressed they were far more free with their actions, then he had before eating the apple but that didn't mean he wasn't blind to their conniving ways.

" What did you do, little apple? "

"What..? What would you think i had anything to do with that?! I'm clearly the victim here"

Sun was outright appalled at the accusation, truly offended how he was being blamed for this. He sighed as Shattered looked unmoved, even when Iris popped their head out of the tentacles they were also contained in, that still somehow convinced Shattered of their filthy lies.

He was a true innocent and wasn't rude to others without a reason , a true paragon that others should aspire to be like.

He had a smidgen of hope when he saw Shattered expression slightly shift, hoping they would free him of this hell but that hope shattered into a million pieces when his co-Guardian finally got their wits about him.

" Don't you dare come near him! "

He watched in pure annoyance when Shattered turned out to be utterly useless and was easily thrown far away and into a rather sinister looking portal, his co-Guardian somehow getting even clingier after and grinning rather creepily after that act.

..he preferred it when they hated his guts, eye twitching when they fussily began checking him over like he was made of glass, despite not having done anything!

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