Chapter 14 - Can the illusion go back on please? (Dreamtale? Multiverse)

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Sun has his fantasy shattered and his hypothesis confirmed.


Dreamtale? Multiverse

The weeks passed and Sun thought perhaps this place wasn't as good as it first seemed. He was still shown loads of cool places but was confused why Ink seemed to grow quieter as time passed, while Dream grew more exuberant.

The sporadic glitches he spotted in his surroundings also increased, with no clear reason as to why, was also not very reassuring.

He was also feeling off sensations when he was near Dream, as if something was touching him. When he looked he saw nothing, even if the sensation lingered. Asking Dream about it was useless, as they always feigned confusion.

Did the other forget he was an empath? Maybe he should escape this odd duo soon...

It got to a head when another fight between Nightmares group and Dream and Ink occured. He was watching on the sidelines and was bewildered at how violent Ink was being. He watched as several members of Nigmaters group, just missed being dusted by the irate artist.

Sun held no fondness for either side but was confused why Dream didn't care more. The ones he had met so far had at least some moral standing, even if it was hard to see at first glance....Angel was a definite example of this.


Dream was loving how his multiverse was coming along! He was having so much fun with his personal playground and with a new player joining, it added a refreshing change to the routine.

Little Sun was so entertaining with their loose morals and wanderlust. He could still see some innocence in them and was looking forward to crushing it.

He had tried pushing their boundaries and was thrilled at how far he could go. This was the best toy yet and he was looking forward to breaking it, just like all the others.

Now he just needed to get rid of his 'brother' who was interrupting his new fun. They already took Blue from him, he would not stand for them to take this one too.

Just when he was about to dust the annoying Killer he felt a strong wave of magic come off Nightmare. What had the idiot done now?

"..Dream? Why do you look..goopy?"

Looking at Sun he could sense the confusion wafting on them. He froze when he realised that the world no longer looked like he wished. Had Nightmare shattered his illusion?...HOW DARE HE!

He took a deep breath thinking things over. Perhaps he could work with this though.

Standing tall with his dark yellow tentacles curled behind him, he fully turned to be facing Sun.

" Do you feel betrayed, little apple? "

He did like the effect his true voice had on people but was curious how Sun would react. They looked away from him, focusing on Ink who was standing emotionless beside him.

"Dream broke Ink long ago. He was never real, Sun. It was all Dream"

His brother was so soft. Trying to comfort a babybones while their view they had of their 'friends' was shattered.


Dreams smirk grew at the rage he could sense, shivering in anticipation.

"HOW DARE YOU MAKE THEM SO ANNOYING! Why would you do that?! Do you know how often I fantasised of dusting them, when it should have been directed at you? All that wasted time!"

Sun was kind of creeped out that Dream could be so annoying and act the part of Creator so well. That was taking the word stalker to a new level. Are all Dream variants just insane?...apart from him of course.

He stopped his rant when he glanced around his new surroundings. They had just been in a rather vibrant forest but not there were only stumps and overcast skies.


"Dream is a powerful illusionist but now is not the time. We need to leave"

Sun glared at Nightmare and faltered at how they were no longer covered in goop. Just how powerful was Dream to hide all this?...did this mean the animals were never real?

He keened at the realisation, ignoring the worried looks being directed at him. He should have known it was too good to be true and just when he thought Dream was becoming his favourite.

"Boss! Just grab him. Dream is looking agitated"

Sun almost threw up at being unceremoniously tossed into a portal but managed to lean against a wall, before he collapsed.

Why would Angel keep an item that transported him to this hell place? It was somehow worse than being with his Ink...

Soon the others came through, with the portal shutting just as he spotted Dreams' crazed expression. He shivered when he realised that those tentacles had been touching him, without his knowledge all this time.

He needed a new scale for crazy at this rate. Especially with beings like this smashing the previous records with little effort.

He walked away from the group, ending up in the kitchen and finding another monster.

"-the pretty little feathers go bye bye. Where is the birdy? No no no, I need to feed the fish soon. No time for the others. What-"

Sun stared at the mumbling monster, who looked very much like Blue, in a daze. This situation felt strangely familiar....Had his Ink been here before? The outcome looked eerily the same.

"Over here, Sun. We have food set up"

Looking away from them he fully took in the so-called Bad Sans. They looked much less insane in this setting and even the Killer copy seemed calmer, than he had seen before. Dreams' ability was very creepy indeed.

Nightmare watched Sun interact with his group and realised they were much younger than his brother made them appear. While the other couldn't fully ensnare him or his group in the illusion, little things could be altered.

He felt a shiver go down his spine at what he imagined his brother would have done to the child. He must have been stuck in his thoughts too long, as a tug on his sleeve jolted him, spotting Sun staring at him.

"Hey Nightmare. How come your Dream is FUDGING insane?"

He looked round, trying to spot the annoying Parasite, but as they seemed to be hiding, he focused back on the question.

"There was always something..different about my brother, even when we were younger. It only got worse when he ate the apples, making him fully obsessed with the idea of controlling others"

He saw Sun nod but leaned closer to hear what they were saying.

" I knew the apples were evil "

He was bewildered by this conclusion and the satisfaction he felt flowing off them, right before they headed off to the rest of his group.

....What a strange variant.


*Illusion is shattered*

Dream: Fear my true form and power!

Nightmare: It's ok, Sun. We will save you!

Sun: *Tears in their sockets and ignoring the main points entirely*....the kitty was a lie?
Nightmare: *List reasons why Dream is the way he is*

Sun:..So i should blame the apples? Got it!

Nightmare:..that's not quite what i meant


This multiverse was inspired by The idea factory (Illusion of scent apples) by Firehedgehog 

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