Chapter 22- 'Dad'?....You suit ✨Stalker✨more (?? Multiverse)

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Sun finally meets the monster who he kept spotting in his journey. He is not impressed


?? Multiverse

"That FUDGER! He is such a pain. Just because I set up a few 'surprises' for him and spread multiple rumours and tried to set him on fire, doesn't mean I deserve this!"

Sun was tired, hungry and injured. He had no idea where that 'king' had thrown him but he hated it. It was a massive jungle with no civilization in sight.

He tried using his magic to form a portal but the same dark portal occured. At this point he was tempted to just go through it, uncaring where he ended up.

He didn't recognise anything around him and no matter how far he walked, the thick vegetation never thinned.

At this point he was sure spite was the main reason he was still going. He refused to die like the stupid 'king' clearly wanted him to. To add insult to injury there weren't even any cool animals here, only bugs that seemed to always be in his face.

Swatting away more instincts he flinched at brushing past another sharp branch, before feeling his foot slip. This wouldn't have been an issue, if he wasn't for the rather steep cliff edge.

Suns panic grew at feeling gravity take hold before he was swept up into princess hold by an unknown. He hid his face in whoever's chest he was on, feeling utterly exhausted from the past few days.

When he felt a bit more stable he looked up, before giving a heated glare at his 'saviour'.


How dare this monster come back! He struggled in their grip, annoyed at how easily they kept hold of him.

He shivered when they covered him with their magic, before he felt his senses overload and everything went black.


When he awoke Sun was unhappy to be in this white place again. Even worse, he was still being held by the stupidly tall monster and his number one enemy.

He studied them and reluctantly thought their white coat with blue fluff, was rather cool. They had white bones like most skeletons he had met but strange black lines under their sockets, almost like an Error.

He spotted their right hand near and saw the blue tips, which were idly playing with an item with their blue magic. He begrudgingly looked at their skull closer, spotting blue eyelights and blue teeth. They were really going with a theme here..

"Did you have a nice nap?"

Suns glare sharpened at the monster, hissing at the familiarity they spoke to him with. He wiggled in their grip but paused when something soft was put in his arms. Tentatively grabbing it he lifted it up, realising it was a stuffed cat toy.

"Is this supposed to be a bribe?"

Sun was almost appalled at the audacity of his kidnapper and top enemy, who he still needed to get revenge against. They had altered his SOUL without his say so. They could not be trusted.

"Shall I take it back then?"

"No! It's mine now"

He pulled the toy closer, glaring at the hand that had come near. It might not be a real cat but it was still cute. He turned back to the toy and squished it, cooing at how soft it was but shivered at feeling a heavy gaze on him.

He was growing rather tempted to use his magic on them, which they must have known from their widening smile. Before he could do so he felt their magic spike yet again, making him groan in discomfort and close his sockets in distress.

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