Chapter 20 - ...are we sure that's a child? (FGOD Multiverse)

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Sun finally escapes the AU and finds himself in Reapertale. He will have fun playing with these monsters~


FGOD multiverse

Sun stopped checking how much time passed rather quickly, as the last time he checked it said months had passed. He was confused about what was going on, as he was sure time was not passing normally.

He was even more convinced something was wrong, when he realised that he hadn't felt hungry at all since that weird RESET.

He felt a shiver of fear, when he accidentally cut himself and it instantly healed.

What was going on with his body?

At this point he was sure he would have cried in happiness, at seeing Mr Copy or even Solar, just for some normality.

This place was just so boring. He had searched through everything and was very close to just sleeping the rest of his existence away. He was sure someone was blocking his portals and he was feeling a tad homicidal about that fact.

He did end up seeing a rather creepy shadow but even when he squinted at it, he was unsure just what it was supposed to be...he better not be losing his mind. That is one of the only things he had left in this cursed place!

"I swear there was another one around here but where...?"

...was that a voice? Turning to the sound he smiled at seeing the monster he was pretty sure was called Reaper. It was weird though had he no longer felt that familiarity, as he did before though. Had the RESETS done something to him?

" Oh well. I'll just head back now"

Sun would not allow that! He sprinted to the monster and clung to their robes, just as they floated through the dark portal. This was his ticket to freedom and he would maul anyone who got in his way!

He let go as soon as the portal closed, shivering at the weird feeling he got from it, twisting around to see all around him.

While different from the Underground he wasn't impressed by the view.

There was a lot of marble and gold that made up the buildings but it wasn't very tasteful in his opinion. What a let down...

"How?! You should not be here! Follow me. I'm taking you to my boss"

He was amused how quickly their emotions switched to resolve but it was odd that they had instantly floated higher, so they were out of reach of him. What a weird monster.

Sun had nothing better to do, so idly followed Reaper, ignoring the looks this garnered from the other residents. It was when they reached a rather large temple that things got a tad more interesting.

"Reaper? What is the meaning of this?"

HIs eyelights drifted to a large goat monster sitting on a huge throne with even more tacky gold decorations. Someone was definitely compensating for something.

He idly listened to the back and forth with the so-called king of this place. At least things were getting more exciting.

"Why are you here, mortal?"

He blandly looked at the 'king', not liking the tone or smug emotions. He continued to stare blankly, more than happy to drag this out. He was definitely more stubborn then them and spite was such a wonderful motivator.

"Answer me!"

Sun merely hummed then looked away, refusing to back down. If he could deal with Ink he could deal with anything. This was barely a challenge.

He was amused when they summoned a weapon, unsurprised at how short this 'higher beings' patience was. This was way too easy.

He prepared to summon his own magic, when a clang echoed in the room.

Looking up it seemed he had gained a new protector rather quickly. That scythe looked awesome and he looked at Reaper in a new light. This place was going to be great.


Reaper had no idea what he was doing. As soon as Asgore had pulled his weapon he reacted on instinct, unwilling to see a child be killed for the simple act of not speaking.

He was grateful the other gods agreed with him and he quickly took the tiny monster home, hoping that the others would calm the enraged king.

It was only as he let them into his home, when he realised he had no idea what he was doing. He rarely interacted with others and usually spent most of his time collecting SOULS. With his death touch he found it too painful to be around others, so isolation was much easier.

He felt his mind going down a familiar spiral of self hate but it seemed that babybones would not stand for it. Whenever he tried to leave the house they would start pestering him for things to do and he now no longer ignored this....especially after last time.

He had thought leaving for a few hours would be fine but when he came back it was to find Life by his door, with an unrepentant messy Sun, grinning at him in false innocence.

This pattern kept repeating and when he jokingly mentioned they reminded him of Colour, they gifted him with a truly searing gaze and face of disgust.

They were rather vindictive after that and it took a week to stop finding random sharp objects in his room. He had no idea where they kept finding them and was too scared to ask.

He secretly thought this just proved his point more. Everyone knew how the Creator did what they liked and ignored what didn't fit into their view and Sun definitely embodied those traits.

It was a month later when he realised that Sun had somehow managed to alienate all of the other gods, meaning he was now their sole caretaker.

He had no idea where they came from or who their parents were and Sun refused to answer either but he couldn't just abandon them!

Reaper felt a shiver down his spine, feeling like there were eyes on him but when he turned around there was no one there. This kept happening ever since Sun arrived and he was growing more spooked as it continued.

Why does he keep getting into these troublesome situations?


*Sun arriving in Reapertale*

Reaper: So, what do you think?

Sun: Who decorated this place? Was it a toddler perhaps?

*King Asgore snarling in the background*
*Reaper thinking that Sun reminds him of the Creator*

Sun:..Why do i feel the sudden urge to put more sharp objects in Reapers room?

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