Chapter 75- What is happening?! (WildVerse)

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Sun vows to never be nice again and is annoyed all the entertainment has stopped. Everyone else is trying to figure out what is going on and the Destroyer finally reappears



Sun pretty much felt like his life was a joke at this point, grimacing as his shoulder got wet from Inks tears while awkwardly patting their head. He sighed when they only cried harder in response, realising no good deed truly goes unpunished.

He had only wanted to test something and now he was stuck with a far too emotional Creator, glaring down at the broken Broomy as if this was all their fault. He should have run when he had the chance but his curiosity had been too strong, having had the deep urge to poke the weird feeling weapon...and now he was suddenly in this hell of a situation.

He didnt bother to escape their hold anymore, at tad too drained after using so much magic after his last trick. He refused to call it a waste though as it had been entertaining watching the two sides' sheer confusion as they tripped on air or nearly fell into an attack they didn't see coming, having been so close to livening things up again.

Nightmare castle had been so very dull, the Negativity Guardian lackeys being far too easy to mess with.

He frowned in annoyance at just how close he had been to getting this Blue dusted, unsurprised Dream was the one to ruin his fun in the end.

He abruptly sneezed as the wind blew past, shivering as he tugged on Inks scarf to burrow in further to get warmer. They were treating him as a comfort toy, so they might as well make it worth his while.

He sneakily tugged on their magic when they were didn't seem like they were going to put him down anytime soon, shamelessly feeding on their magic until he was full again.

"..Ink? Are you feeling ok?"

He couldnt help the disbelieving stare he set Dream, wondering what about the Creator sobbing and shaking made them look like they were ok in the slightest.

Was he in another multiverse with an emotionally dense Dream...? Because if he was he was diving straight for the AntiVoid without hesitation. He could deal with a lot but he was reaching the threshold of UNRADNESS he could deal with.

He looked up hopefully when he saw Nightmare start to walk closer, wondering if he was about to see something more exciting but of course his hopes were dashed when the traitor officially called a cease fire, feeling he was in one of the terrible tv dramas that some Destroyers liked to watch.

That Blue looked like they were about to cry as well didnt help matters, for a moment deeply thankful his sensing range was SHITAKE, everyone looking far too emotional for his liking and he did not want to feel that.

"Ink? Does your S-SOUL feel ok? Want me to hold the babybones as you gather yourself?"

He hissed and surprisingly so did Ink, instantly shutting down any attempts to be moved from his position. If he was forced to be held then he was at least choosing who had that role, Ink sadly the least disgusting of the lot.

They might be a trash racoon but they were a decent food source, Nightmare back in his bad books for dumping him on the ugly kitty.

Someone should seriously do the omniverse a favour and just wipe out all Killer variants, already planning how he could trick stalker to do as he wanted.

"Sun..are you hurt?"

Nightmare said softly, taking a few steps closer to the babybones but making sure not to show any threatening actions, wanting the temporary truce to hold. His mind was still a swirl of questions, the last hour having tipped everything he knew on its head, observing the no longer soulless Ink with bafflement.

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