Chapter 49- A new hope..? (UnderVer̴̺̪̭̋s̵̢̟̈́͗̇ȩ̴̃̍̀?̸̜͍̾͗̿?̸͓̣̞́̏)

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Sun is so done with everything and now his magic is also acting weird....where the FUNK did stalker take him now?!


UnderVer̴̺̪̭̋s̵̢̟̈́͗̇ȩ̴̃̍̀ ?̸̜͍̾͗̿?̸͓̣̞́̏


Sun wasn't paying any attention to where they were, not able to muster even an ounce of outrage that he was being held by 404 once again.

He felt like he was in a daze, only letting out a small sound of surprise when he was set down by a stupidly large tree, placidly sitting by the base of it.

He gazed blankly up at 404, watching as they fiddled with their hands in clear nervousness, with them looking side to side before crouching down in front of him.

"I think you will like it here, Sun."

"Are you going to block my portal abilities again?"

404 winced at their dull tone. It didn't even sound accusing, with far too much resignation in their tone. He shook his head, promising he wasn't placing any restrictions on them while they stayed here.

The sceptical look he was given hurt but he knew he deserved it, feeling he was only now realising the true damage he had done to the babybones.

He tensed as he sensed his targets arriving, giving a brief once over to Sun before teleporting away, really hoping he wasn't making another mistake.

Sun felt the bubbling resentment stay with him, even after 404 left. He doubted they were truthful at all, betting they were being their creepy self and watching him through their magical windows again.

He leaned against the tree he was placed near, sighing as he realised where he was. 404 just seemed to want to be in his bad books lately, his mood souring as he heard far too familiar voices coming towards him.

"-you Dream. It could be dangerous! Why not leave it to Error or even your idiot friend."

"You should really live a little, Nightmare....Also, my friend isn't an idiot! They just have a unique way of looking at things. They truly are great once you get to know them."

"..Dream. I spotted them trying to tug their scarf away from the annoying dog and losing. "

" That was just a bad day for them!"

"Don't downplay it, Dream! It happened more than once! We just came back from helping the idiot to find their stupid 'Broomy', when it was in their home the whole time!"

"You know their memory is bad!"

"I would rather deal with Killer and their manic episodes than the stupid Creator! How the multiverse hasn't collapsed yet is frankly a miracle"

...Sun did not like the sound of any of this, making a face as the two Guardians arrived, feeling rightfully on edge when they spotted him.

What crappy multiverse was he in now?!

He was terribly confused as he spotted a corrupted Nightmare and a weird winged Dream, but at least this one didn't have the taste of madness to their aura, so hopefully they would be easier to deal with.

"..Dream. Is that a babybones by our tree?!"

Dream was too in shock to say anything, letting out a concerning wheezing noise when he took a step closer and golden corruption leaked out of the child, their tentacles spiking in warning.

"Dream! What did you idiot friend do now?! I swear to god if he tried to recreate me after I refused to 'play' with them, I'm dusting them the next time we meet."

"Nightmare! Ink isn't that bad"

"Error has told me far too many stories for me to believe that blatant lie . "

Sun was really hating the sound of this place, holding his legs to his chest as his tentacles swayed in increased agitation at the situation he was in. His magic sparked uselessly in threat, hissing at the look of pity the Positivity Guardian gave him, absolutely despising every second of this.

He stiffened when he felt the adults raise their magic, fully prepared to form a portal under him to escape but froze when they did nothing else, looking between the two in confusion.

...They just stood and stared at him in anticipation, scowling as the Nightmares tentacle settled behind their back in a non threatening gesture, when they noticed him staring at them. He silently scoffed at the action, knowing just how easy it was for them to attack him, if they truly wanted to.

He wasn't an idiot and he refused to let his guard down so easily!..but he was taking the chance of a free meal, tugging their magic almost viciously in order to replenish his own. He was very suspicious of this act of 'kindness' but far too pleased by the free magic, to stop absorbing it.

His gaze never strayed from the two monsters, just in case they reacted negatively, with his eyelights brightening at finally having a filling meal.

He refused to admit that he usually felt so much better if he fed from both sets of Guardians, their almost clashing auras, perfect for the mix of apples that he had in his own SOUL.

Stupid Dream variant forcing him to eat a corrupted apple...

Nightmare watched the child in hidden calculation, having realised that this wasn't one of Inks creations early on.

He had been initially wary when he sensed someone in their AU, on guard until he spotted the tiny child but was still slightly wary, as he was sure there had been two presences earlier.

The banter with his brother did seem to calm the little one, even if it was only incrementally but the way they tensed whenever the Creator was mentioned, was very interesting.

His deal blue eyelight sharpened as he spotted the child's corruption retreating, watching as mothers branches shifted to cover the child more, not that he thought the clearly exhausted babybones noticed.

He waited until the child fell asleep, his twin carefully moving closer to the child, observing them in curiosity.

"..we need Error and Ink to look them over. Their aura is all over the place. This isn't healthy and they should not have fallen asleep so quickly after a simple feeding...."

Nightmare knew his twin was right. They needed more experienced help, his own ability with Code never having been the best and his earlier CHECK attempts had miserably failed, unsure if the child even noticed them in the first place.

"Let them sleep first, before they have to deal with the idiot."

He smirked at Dreams outraged expression, quietly snickering as they slumped, both knowing it was the truth.

He might have played it up for their audience but he still thought that Ink had a few screws loose.


404: Dont worry, Sun. This place will help you. Just sit tight for a bit

*404 abruptly leaving, not giving any more information to Sun*

Sun:*Feeling a spark of rage at stalkers sheer audacity*..did he just dump me in a Dreamtale?! I'm going to kill him!
Nightmare: *Alarmed* Why is there a babybones here? And are they a tiny version of Dream?!

Dream: *Struck speechless, just as puzzled as his twin*

Sun: *His hatred of stalker at an all time high*.....i hate it here already

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