Chapter 90- More changes and scary discoveries (SplitVerse)

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Error has a headache, Ink is having a blast and Sun realises that this place might not be as great as he first thought


Council of Sans

"-and then i was dragged by Shattered to their AU. You know how boring that place is and the killjoys wont let me do anything-"

"You aren't keeping it"

"-but then i bumped into this cutey and suddenly the day got far less dull!-"

"You still aren't keeping it"

"-had to fix a few Code issues their entrance caused and they oddly managed to harm the Tree of Feelings, which i had to make sure was ok, but this was all so exciting!"

"YOU DID WHAT?! I told you to leave the Code alone! Do you have any idea how much work that is going to be to smooth it out?!"

"They are going to be so much fun to keep around"

"I said no! What part of 'you aren't keeping it' did you not understand?!"

Error hissed out in sheer annoyance, his glitches acting up the longer Ink talked and suddenly realising why the Code's had been acting so odd lately. It felt like no matter what he said to Ink it went right over their stupid skull, knowing he had told them to leave the Code alone several times as Ink tended to get bored in the middle of fixing it and just smashed the numbers together.

The worst part was that he knew Ink wasn't an airhead as they appeared as they wouldn't have been able to do their job otherwise. No matter how easy they made it look, Creation was a difficult skill that he knew he would never be able to do. That Ink was able to even learn a modicum of Code spoke volumes of their intelligence but of course they also had to be so annoying to deal with and far too prone to satisfying their own whims, rather than doing their damn job!

"Do you even know where its from?! How do you know it wont cause this whole place to collapse-ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!"

"Look at you! I think you grew another inch. You were really hungry, weren't you, little buddy?"

He sighed at the baby talk they gave to the thing, wondering some days if he was some Deities toy due to the utter messes he had to clean up near daily. He was still baffled that Ink ever thought to split the annoying Guardians into two, knowing how delicate that would have been to enact without accidentally erasing the two Guardiansfrom existence.

He was kind enough to keep this piece of information from the four Guardians..although, with how none of the idiots had thought to warn him about this new situation as soon as they noticed, he might have to change how benevolent he was feeling. He gave a dark look to Corrupted, before looking back at Ink and growing alarmed at how large the thing was now.

" that a tiger cub?"

He instantly regretted asking, as Ink started a new round of gushing and held the bright gold 'animal' as if they weighed less than a feather. He sometimes forgot how much Ink's creepy brush weighed but it was never more obvious then when they spun around with the 'animal' with little struggle.

He wasnt even given a response and felt his glitches multiply when Ink threw ink on the ground and jumped into the portal, catching a word about 'feeding' that Instantly sent more alarm bells in his mind.

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