Chapter 71- Ripples in the water 💧 (AntiVoid)

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Sun is sure he is doing well at this 'friend' thing and Iris tries to be brave but quickly regrets it.
Error has many thoughts and not all of them are good.



Error frowned as he looked through the Multiversal Code, swiping his fingers to switch to another AU to show in the window he created, frowning at the lack of results. He wasnt having any luck finding the babybones home AU and was reluctant to push the child directly for answers, considering he was still confused why the kid wasn't scared of him.

He flicked his tail to the side in slight frustration, amused at the sound of utter awe Sun let out in response. They were a sweet kid and haven't made any sort of fuss despite being in the AntiVoid for at least a few hours but he was growing worried the longer they stayed here.


He twitched at the sudden noise, looking away from the babybones and down in surprise to see a shivering cat. His fingers loosened where they had been playing with his magic strings a nervous habit but his gaze grew more intense when he looked over the oddly coloured animal and noticed more oddities.

" Is the idiot that desperate that he sends pests towards me? You know he just signed your death warrant with this trick?...but i suppose you aren't alive enough to care. Just a construct to be used as a pawn "

He said darkly, baring his teeth and his countenance growing far less friendly then earlier. He should have known Ink would try something like this, mentally reminding himself to add more blocks to the AntiVoid once he dealt with this pest .

"..Error? What are you doing to Iris?"

The strings he had tightened around the small creature could it even be called that? paused, growling a question at Sun.

"' Iris'? that its name? "

"Yeah, i named them. I mainly have them around for magical feeding-"


"-but I guess they are sort of friend"

That made him stop growling, carelessly pulling the bound 'cat' closer and tying a thread around its neck before quietly whispering in its ear.

" Try and escape and i will erase you from existence, abomination "

He gave an unfriendly grin at their wide eyed look before placing them in Suns waiting arms, watching them feed off the magic from the small animal in curiosity. He didnt think Ink would create something for such benign reasons but guessed it was one of their 'charity projects' to try and sway the multiverses to their cause.

It had been ever since Dream joined the stupid team Ink had created, that things really went downhill for him. He personally thought Ink acted like a feral raccoon on the good days but with Dream acting as guidance, they had become dangerously more charismatic making his job so much harder.

He watched the interaction intently, darkly amused at how puffed up 'Iris's' fur became when they noticed his gaze, feeling they could be a fun little thing to torment.

This babybones was bringing up so many questions and it never seemed to end!

He was amused when after feeding, Sun shyly tugged his sleeve and pointed to his sharp claws. He knew what they wanted so wordlessly sat on his beanbag and he let them examine his hands, thinking a short break wouldn't hurt.

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