Chapter 56- How unrad..(UnderVer̴̺̪̭̋s̵̢̟̈́͗̇ȩ̴̃̍̀?̸̜͍̾͗̿?̸͓̣̞́̏)

482 42 17

Sun gets some answers but is still confused by Inks actions. Error would really like for the world to go back to normal.




This had to be the most awkward thing Error had ever witnessed, unwillingly making him feel a smidge of pity for the situation Ink was now stuck in.

He watched the Creator flounder and wince, while they were put under a barrage of questions by the tiny devil, hardly getting a moment to respond to one before the next question was asked.

Not that it wasn't deserved in his opinion but he still desperately wanted to leave , terrified to be in the potential line of fire from the tiny Guardian. He didn't care if he was accused of cowardice, he would like to see anyone go against Sun in one of their 'creative' modes and not be traumatised.

Thankfully someone had to be listening to his prayers, so he wasn't forced to endure this much longer, as Sun eventually paused in their tirade and eyed the three 'non victims' intently, as if just realising they were still here.

"We are going to the Doodle Sphere"

How did a kid manage to make that sound so chilling?!

He stared in disbelief when the babybones grabbed Inks sleeve and used the weirdest form of travel and most horrifying type in his min d he had ever witnessed.

*Fresh Poof*

"...Could they always do that?"

Error wanted to cry, finally realising with great horror what the Creator had unleashed. Why would they help the little devil unlock that talent?! It was going to be so much harder to keep them out of his space now!


Doodle Sphere

Sun quickly let go of Ink- Creators sleeve, instead looking around the space he had been in so many times before. The dichotomy of what he had experienced and what he learned, was making it so hard for him to parse the truth.

" didn't lock me out of the Doodle Sphere...?"

He felt confused, his anger at the Creator not having been a subtle thing. They had to know what he was capable of, at just how spiteful he could be, so why did they not protect their 'precious home' from him. The new 'bond' annoyingly shared some emotions across and he was still learning how to block it .

"I didn't"

His face twitched at the simple response, confused when they barely reacted to his walking to one of the hanging 'papers', easily feeling the power radiating off what represented an AU.

He briefly touched one of the pure white papers, knowing just how easily it would be to corrupt it, to destroy it. They had shown him how to do it after all..but instead his fingers harmlessly trailed along the paper, puzzled why the Creator hadn't moved an inch from where he left them.

He hated how his SOUL warmed at the unwavering trust, the instinctive knowledge that the Creator would let him do what he wanted to their home, without retaliation. He even spotted Broomy just laying on the ground, with them making no move to grab it or looking away from him.

He frowned at their expression, the teardrop shapes in their eyes which could easily be faked and the paints on their chest showing the truth of their condition...but that wasn't exactly right either. He was still missing something, something big but was still clueless to what.

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