𝐢. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟔𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬

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▶️ call it fate, call it karma - the strokes

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▶️ call it fate, call it karma - the strokes




SLASH. STAB. CUT. BEFORE HER, the dummy had shredded to nothing tangible. Sweat trickled down Thea Spencer's forehead in euphoria and ecstasy. With each drop, a second passed; a second closer until she could volunteer at the reaping. It was her year to prove to everyone who had ever doubted her that she was more than a career, a blood-thirsty tribute. She wanted people to see her as a god. Everyone knows of the fiery glint in her eyes and the personified anger that rippled down her shoulders and accentuated the darkness in her soul. But on the surface of her eyes, there was calm before the storm. A warm sea of District Four's border. The blue waves that lapped over one another, sweet salt inviting itself into her nostrils.

Thea had trained at the District Academy ever since she could walk. Her mentor, Jasper Dennis, like most at the academy, was a victor. He won the 34th Hunger Games and ever since he has worked at the academy, training District Four's next victors. He knew immediately that the girl had potential. Ever since the very first day. So when Thea saw him glide over with pride after her presentation, she knew she was set. She had known for years.

"Hey there, little rock" she laughed at the name, remembering why she was known as "little rock". On her first week, the students were taken to the beach as a reminder of what they were fighting for. During the speech, she found a rock and threw it at Jasper; point blank between the eyes. Ever since then, the name stuck; as did the reputation for being the most lethal student that trained there. But not far behind was the vile, snot-flicking, unbearable human-thing called Finnick Odair. He was dangerous. But so fucking annoying.

"Hey Dennis, enjoy the show?" her lip curled upwards, tilting her head to the side as she removed the hair tie that confined her lengthy locks of fire into a ponytail of oppression. Jasper rolled his eyes, patting her on the back. It was rare for Thea to be on good terms with someone, most of the time she gets pissed off before she can even hold conversation. But one of the few people that saw a different, good-humoured side to Thea was indeed Jasper Dennis, her mentor. "I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to score a 12. you have the talent and you'll have me,"

Thea was flattered, and she knew she was just that good. But she feared that the other districts would deem her as weak before the individual assessments; either because she's small, or because she's a girl. Then again, she could probably kill the other districts before they even came to a conclusion.

"I know," she raised her brows in a mood somewhere between excitement and an inhumane thirst to kill. Her mood was brought down at the slightest thought of the games and what actually happens in the arena. But nonetheless, she had a record to beat, and she was set on doing that. Dennis had the highest number of kills in an arena, ever. Thirteen. "I might even be able to beat your record, Dee." he gave a disapproving look, but it was replaced by a goofy grin. "Damn straight, kid,"

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