𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. 𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮

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▶️ saudade, saudade - maro

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▶️ saudade, saudade - maro

xxxi. DEJA VU


SNOW HAD REALLY GONE TO GREAT LENGTHS FOR THIS QUARTER QUELL. The rooms held a prestige that they normally wouldn't; chandeliers trickled down from the ceiling, it was classy but the room itself had modernized. Monotonous greys and muted blues scoured the walls, making it less than homely.
The bathrooms smelled of money. Quite literally. Thea practically used bars of gold to wash the glitter off her and she bathed in cash. The water from the shower head felt like a thousand coins splintering down at her. Thea loathed the feeling. There were people starving in the districts and here she was, using burlap loofas.

Straying her mind from that, the girl just thought about earlier. "Odair", is what she said. She was pissed at him, it didn't mean she stopped loving him. Thea was just plain confused. One minute she loved him, the next she didn't and she thought he was an absolute tool. And she kicked herself for it because she kept sending him mixed signals.
Thinking to herself, she pondered the thought if there was even remotely any possibility of starting something with Finnick, she remembered she was going into the arena with him. But memories of the two played at her mind, like a broken record. One memory struck her, in particular.


THEA HAD SPENT FOUR NIGHTS WITH THE CAPITOL PEOPLE, AND EACH TIME IT JUST GOT WORSE. I mean, after a while they just stopped asking for consent and they just assumed everything was a green light with her.
Her body felt dirty, bruised with the unwanted touch of four people, if you can even call them that.
She had left the man she was currently with to his own after she had recieved her payment. Thea upped and left as quick as she possibly could but she remembered about Snow's visit a couple hours before. He had told her there was a job lined up right after that one and this person had requested her companionship for an entire week.

It made Thea sick to her stomach.

She didn't even have time to shower or do her hair or makeup or anything. If she was going to be used, she didn't want to feel even more dirty than she already did, it would've been nice to have a clean slate before working again. The address wasn't too far off— it was only a couple blocks away so Thea didn't have to endure the harsh Capitol winters for too long.
The address brought her to a hotel. She wasted no time rushing straight to the elevator, trying to avoid any attention from the citizens in the lobby, and she went up.

Strolling down the halls to what seemed like the right number, her fist hovered over the door. She didn't want to knock. She thought she'd throw up if she did. But it was all in order to keep everyone safe. Thea would always remind herself that she had to do this to protect what was left of her Victor family.

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