𝐢𝐯. 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭, 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞-𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬

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▶️ a pearl - mitski

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▶️ a pearl - mitski


THEA AND SAGE HAD situated themselves onto the luxurious couch that felt like sitting on clouds. Thea had a much more relaxed tone to her, unlike the boy next to her who was practically pissing himself as his leg bounced up and down. She felt for the boy, he was roped into this mess with no training or help whatsoever. So whatever he learns from Odair better be worth it because he only has a week, assuming Odair is his mentor because he better bloody be.

Emerging from the automatic doors were Diana Jackson, victor of the 38th Hunger Games. She was a gorgeous woman who was practically the embodiment of District Four. She had jet-black hair, though she had golden highlights streaking from her roots, right where the sun licked her hair. Her skin was a warm almond colour, with eyes the colour of burnt sand. Her smile als personified Four's ability to welcome anybody with open arms.

Then trailing behind her was the human fish-stick, followed by Soline.

Thea rolled her eyes at the sight of the boy. She leaned back into the couch, crossing her arms with an eyebrow arched. "So, we're here to help you two," Diana's voice is smooth like honey, drawing Thea's eyes away from the douchebag in front of her.

"We have agreed to each focus on one of you," Diana smiles warmly at the two, giving Thea hope that she would have the woman as a mentor. She was highly skilled and won her games by setting traps all around the arena, catching the tributes like prey. Once they were trapped, she sent arrows through them. It was truly inspiring. Nonetheless, Finnick was still a very skilled person, but Thea figured she could teach him more than him teaching her.

This is when Finnick spoke up, "We felt it would be best if Diana mentored Sage, while I mentored Spencer," his voice dipped in volume when he started saying the next part. It lowered to that of a mumble, so nobody could hear him. Finnick felt it was unfair that he had just spent the last year killing people then facing their families only a few months after. Now he was to mentor Thea Spencer, the one person that actually pissed him off.

"What was that... Finnick?" Thea leaned her head forward, raising her brows at what he said. She had heard what he said but she wanted to make sure she wasn't spiralling because of that games, or that Jasper slipped a whole bottle of whiskey and some other substance into her tea a few nights ago. Finnick cringed at his name in her mouth. She only ever called him Odair, so why start on a first name basis now? "Oh dearie, speak up! Your tributes are your responsibility," Soline beamed, trying to be helpful but her outburst wasn't appreciated by anyone. Especially Sage who looked like he had just come back from the Big Bang with twenty-six diagnosis of shell-shock.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 / the hunger games -ᶠ.ᵒWhere stories live. Discover now