𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯. 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐞, 𝐢 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥

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▶️ poison tree - grouper

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▶️ poison tree - grouper

xxiv. I SEE, I KILL


THE GAMES WERE TODAY AND THEA WAS ANXIOUS for Maxwell. Yeah, she knew he would kick everyone's ass but she was still worried that he would meet a similar fate to the twenty-three other perishing tributes. She was the first one up and at the table considering it was only 2AM. A sense of deja vu hit her like a wave when she heard light footsteps resonate from the abyss of a corridor. Thea knew better than to do what she did last time... so instead she decided to use a candle as well as the knife. Sometimes things never change. The lights were too harsh for Thea's liking; her eyes had only just gotten used to the dark and even if she did turn on the lights, it would wake everyone else up because there was only one switch, which absolutely made no sense. She held the candle and knife up close, slowly venturing into the hall, only for the flame to cast an orange shadow of life onto Finnick Odair's face.

"HOLY-!" he gasped, clutching his chest with a laugh. He recalled a year ago when she held a knife up to his throat because he was "trying to kill Thea". The knife lingered in front of the boy for longer than was comfortable, though she immediately stood down, letting the candle be the only thing that stood between the two teens. They retained eye-contact for a second longer than anticipated before breaking away. Finnick looked to the knife in her hand before dipping his head in laughter, practically lighting up the whole room. "It's like no time has passed," he continued to smile into the dining room where the two sat across from each other... just like the morning of Thea's games. "Yeah," Thea admired how the light of the sunrise hit his face perfectly as he stared out of the glass windows. She smiled, turning her head to face the menacingly beautiful glass giants that splintered out of the ground.

It had been a solid two hours since the sun had risen and the rest of the District Four team started to fill in. Max seemed well-rested, stretching his arms before taking a seat beside Thea. "You ready for today?" Thea nudged him slightly as he began to fill his plate with fruits, jellies and pastries. "Of course I am. Learned from the best," he smiled gratefully before flooding his mouth with coffee. Finnick looked between the two intently before focusing on the exotic fruits on his plate. "We'll be heading down there at about nine so we have some time to go through tactics and all," said Thea, pointing her spoon at the boy beside her. He nodded triumphantly, almost eager to get started that very moment, "What about Dennis?" his voice was sudden, though intrigued. Dennis and Diana had actually told Thea and Finnick that they were no longer going to mentor the tributes because they had to learn on their own, so what better time than... right now. The two still hung around in the Capitol, hell, they still were in the same building as them, but they held back for the purposes of seeing how good of a mentor the other two were. "It's just me today," she shared a tight-lipped smile with her tribute, tossing a grape into her mouth.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 / the hunger games -ᶠ.ᵒWhere stories live. Discover now