𝐯. 𝐧𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐢

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▶️ chained to the rhythm - katy perry (ft

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▶️ chained to the rhythm - katy perry (ft. skip marley)



THE MORNING CAME AS fast as the night had dissipated into the suns dominance. Thea woke up as if she had weights lifted from her chest. It was hard for her to breathe when she sat up, adjusting to how light the air was. How clear it was. It was nothing like Dennis ever described. It was a spiritual cleansing, rather than one incited by chemicals burning away debris and pollution from her lungs.

She didn't care to admit it, Finnick Odair actually helped her. She swallowed her fear and focused on the day ahead. Thea slipped out of the clothes she had cried and slept in before returning to the neatly pressed sage dress that accentuated her curves a they did in the reaping. Though, her hair was kept loose as sections of fire trickled down the green; a forest fire. q

She left her room, a bit more dishevelled than how she found it; but it was still neat, nonetheless. The automated doors whooshed past her, letting strands of her hair blow back into her face. She made her way through to where Finnick, Soline, Diana and Sage waited for her. They stopped their conversation to look at the girl intently. "Sage wants to be your ally," Soline beamed, she clapped in excitement. Thea rolled her eyes at the two boys that looked at her expectantly. "Y-you said you'd think about it,"

Thea huffed as she slumped in the chair opposite to the woman she wanted to mentor her. Diana reached to place a generous hand on her knee, showing that they'd all help even if they weren't allies. "I did," she reached for the apple in the bowl that sat in the centre of everyone, much like the cornucopia. She tossed it up before letting her teeth seep into its flesh. It was apparent that everyone had eaten breakfast because there were used plates on the dining table, waiting to be cleared by whoever clears them. She didn't mind but they could've been conspiring against her. She couldn't even trust Odair on this one.

Her mentor gestured his forward as if to say "Well?". Thea swallowed the apple that resided in her mouth before saying, "Sure, whatever," everyone cheered and clinked their glasses of juice and tea together. Thea looked at the older boy, giving him a knowing look as if to say "remember what I said last night" with an arched brow. He seemed relieved until then, now he was back on-edge. Thea knew this was a great way to get sponsors. Protecting someone scared. It should pull at Snow's heart-strings just enough. Soline continued to clap in her ever-theatrical excitement while Diana shook Sage's shoulders, giving him the slightest drop of confidence.

"Okay, now that we've sorted this whole thing, we need to talk about the action plan for the day," Diana announced before standing up to pour some of the whiskey into her tea. "One we get to the Capitol, you will be groomed, waxed, stripped of any dignity you have and made into a Capitol-worthy contender. That's when you will meet your prep-teams and stylist." Thea was in-fact listening, but she looked over at her District Partner who was still obviously scared, but it wasn't as conspicuous as it was yesterday. "They will prepare you for the tribute parade. It's a twenty-minute ride from the Tribute Centre to Snow's mansion. Throughout that whole twenty minutes, give the Capitol what they want," Diana sipped on her drink before returning to sit down beside Sage.

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