𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞.

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▶️ civil war - guns n' roses

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▶️ civil war - guns n' roses

xxvii. LET ME CARE.

THE STAR CROSSED LOVERS were coming to Four today, and Thea was less than happy about it. She had no intention of being hospitable. Not in the slightest. She was sick of them being paraded about together as if there were 73 other people who'd kill to have their district partner beside them.

Not only that, but their victory was becoming an increasing issue with the academy kids. They seemed to be training relentlessly and there were even disputes as to who would be volunteering for the games this year. These victors were a problem and they were changing a system that didn't need to be changed.
Dennis had been heavy on the fact that Thea would have to be on her best behavior. Dennis was floating about in Thea's life. He's spend most of his time with Diana, obviously, but when he was with Thea, it was like no time had passed. He's recite stories from Snow's mansion, like the orgy, he'd talk about how Diana had been pissing him off recently. It was just... normal. He never really talked of the games because he didn't have a reason to. Until now.
Thea had been told that quite a few times actually to "play nice". By Finnick, Diana, Max, and even Mag's with the look. They even resorted to organising shifts whenever she was with Katniss and Peeta. Shifts.

The train had arrived and the star-crossed lovers of District Twelve were greeted with only a few Peacekeepers at the station, along with the mayor, Thea and Dennis. It was likely everyone else was already waiting at the Justice Building.

The mayor holds out his hands to the District Twelve team "Welcome to District Four. We hope to make your visit the best one yet. We'll meet the other victors at the Justice Building though, I'm sure you guys are familiar with Jasper Dennis and Thea Spencer," he smiles warmly at the group. Thea felt herself smile so much that her cheeks began to cramp. Dennis gave her a weird look as he locked eyes with Haymitch.
"Familiar!?" Haymitch walks forward and brings the man into a hug. The two jumped around for a bit as Effie brushed herself off and the two victors have each other odd looks as Thea grimaced at the sight.

"We're huge fans" Peeta spoke up, shaking hands with the two victors to which Thea actually appreciated, Katniss, however, kept to herself but still shook their hands. What a bitch. Thea got a vibe from her and she didn't like it. Thea continued to painfully smile as Dennis spoke for the two.
"We're flattered. Now if you follow us-"
"Now, this is festive!" Effie piped up.

THE CAR RIDE WAS LONG. Dennis and Haymitch talked volumes, filling each other in on their latest adventures down beverage lane. Effie sorted out her cards as she handed them to Peeta. Thea wanted to make conversation because the ride was painstakingly long but Katniss wouldntve said anything anyway. Peeta made an effort to talk to the mayor, complimenting the District, probably like he had seven times before.
"Thee?" Dennis whispered, breaking away from his and Haymitch's conversation as the other man conferred with Effie.
"Hm?" the girl looked at Dennis, confused, maintaining the unnervingly wide smile which stretched her cheeks.
"You okay?" Dennis knew what was wrong but he didn't want to assume. He cared about the girl, she was like a daughter to him.
"You why wouldn't I be?" she raised a brow, keeping her tone hushed. No she wasn't okay. She was in a car with two of the most insufferable people ever, their tongues shoved down each other's throats and their hands locked together. Sure, a bit of an exaggeration on Thea's part but it really irked her. The entire situation just bothered her.
"You're ridiculously quiet and you keep smiling like a freak. It's probably scaring them," Dennis kept his tone hushed as he withheld his laughter.
"I'm ridiculously tired and I was told to be nice" she looked up at him through her peripheral.

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