𝐯𝐢. 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥

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▶️ edge of seventeen - stevie nicks

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▶️ edge of seventeen - stevie nicks



BY THE TIME THEY MADE IT to Snow's mansion in the city centre, Thea felt the heels dig into her feet. It hurt but she knew she'd have to suck it up because it would be nothing compared to the arena. She exited the chariot, Sage following in suit. The two brushed past District Three to see Thea's new friends from One and Two. "Thea!" Achilles grinned at the girl, they talked about thirty minutes ago but they were still newly acquainted. The other careers beamed at her before looking at the boy who hid behind her like a lost puppy.

Thea nudged him in the ribs as if telling him to make himself known, "H-Hey, I'm Sage, District Four," somehow, the boy was still fucking trembling and he was really embarrassing Thea. She glared at him through her peripheral vision; Amethyst took notice, laughing at the action. "So, we want to ally with you... good for sponsors," Achilles took charge, once again. Sage was completely confused. "Why?" before Achilles could assert his dominance, Thea thought it was her time to do so. She grumbled at the question, "Because, you are like a lamb to the slaughter; people will feel bad for you and if you're allied with us, they will feel bad for us, meaning we get sponsors. And with sponsors we get...?" she stopped, allowing him to finish the question like a child in her mother's school.

In all of this time, Thea didn't even spare a thought to her mother, to Alex. She felt so selfish, but then again, she was being set up to die in three days, if anything its compensation. She could only imagine what they were thinking about her; they probably thought she was selfish, cold, inhumane. Thea could only imagine what they would think of her after killing people. Sage's stuttering snapped the girl out of her thoughts,"Resources, we get resources," The Careers enjoyed how Thea treated Sage with such simplicity, especially Achilles. He was practically beaming at them.

"And the crowd goes wild," she turned to the Careers with a "shocked" face, "Now with resources we can survive. To sum everything up, Irvine, you on our side equals survival, capiche?" she tilted her head, waiting for some sort of answer. He nodded. Violently.

From afar, Thea could see Diana beckoning the two to make their way to the elevator. "Ah, well, we best be going. See you tomorrow," they all bid their goodbyes before going their respective ways. Finnick met her with a supportive smile, which she gratefully accepted. "You two did amazing," Soline stressed the word amazing, causing Thea to mumble under her breath, "We were literally just standing and waving for twenty minutes looking like smiling idiots, I don't understand what's so amazing about it," Finnick snorted, hushing himself before entering the elevator.

As the stainless-steel doors enclosed on each other, they revealed raised printings of thorns and roses that graced its surface. The walls of the elevators were mirrors, so Thea could see everything. She could even see both Sage and Finnick gawking at her costume. She lowered her eyes, smiling to herself as she felt a blush rush to dust her face. Level One. They had been in the elevator for a good five minutes and they still haven't made it past the second level. The doors opened, revealing Achilles, Amethyst and their team behind them. "Oh my God, Thea!" Amethyst squealed, acting as if they hadn't seen each other merely ten minutes ago. Thea tried her best to match the girl's energy, "Amy!" she beamed, earning a confused look from Finnick, Diana and Sage. Soline didn't seem to bothered that her girl was making friends. The two District One tributes had changed out of their diamond-encrusted attire and into more comfortable clothing. Thea was never a loud girl who squealed every time she saw her best friend, but maybe this is who she was now? Surely not?

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