𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. 𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞-𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫-𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲

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▶️ team - lorde

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▶️ team - lorde




THE 67TH HUNGER GAMES WAS ALL ANYONE could talk about, especially with Thea mentoring. The press had infiltrated her life on-and-off for the past six months which didn't bother her because it was mainly questions about what she was doing now and such. But she would have to lie fifty percent of the time because in reality, she wasn't "living life to its fullest" or "helping and inspiring people where she could", no. Thea was tending to the needs of the Capitol and so was Finnick. The two had recently been more open about their experiences and their feelings but Thea still had this little feeling inside of her that didn't want to forget how he was when she had fallen into a depression. Her sessions with the Capitol citizens weren't and would never be as bad as her first, but it's still mortifying to think practically everyone in the city has spent time with her in the bedroom. She was only sixteen.

Thea was mentoring this year, meaning the limelight would definitely be on her, just as it was on Finnick last year. She already had a set tactic on how to mentor her tribute; she knew Finnick would pull the same bullshit again this year; be passive, don't interact, all that crap. Thea planned on doing the exact opposite: get to a weapon, kill as many as you can that stand in your way, no allies unless necessary and again, kill whatever stands in your way. The girl knew she was getting ahead of herself because she had to attend the reaping first, but it's always better to have a plan.

The reaping was in about ten minutes and Thea sat on the stage beside Finnick, watching the fearful teens pour in, knowing that for one of them it may be the last time they are in District Four. Thea could always spot the academy kids from miles away: they typically held a confident posture and they basically sped through the crowds. They were always eager, which reminded Thea of a time before everything went to shit. Her eyes grazed the crowds before the audio feedback boomed in her ear. She winced at the abruptness before seeing Soline trot by the Victors, waiting for her cue to go.

The mayor read out the annual speech about the history of the games, the Capitol's generosity, whatever. And before long he was reading out the list of Victors to commend their victories. Hearing her name on his tongue, projected into the district was a foreign feeling, but it was something she would have to get used to for the rest of her life. Thea inhaled sharply at her names which earned a squeeze of the hand from Finnick. She appreciated it but it felt wrong.

Soline trotted past Thea once more, making her way to the microphone. "Ahem, ahem. District Four! Welcome to the 67th annual Hunger Games!" her voice reverberated with exuberance as Thea winced, wanting to laugh at how she always got so excited at child murder but she reigned it in as she announced the video that was about to play. "Now, I present you with a video brought to you... all the way from the Capitol!" she clapped as a cheesy grin pasted on her face. The screen above her was bright with the presentation of images.

𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 / the hunger games -ᶠ.ᵒWhere stories live. Discover now